1. River Island black patent cut out boots
2. Asos Astonished cut out ankle boots
En: Yes, I already own a pair of cut out boots, but I got them a little small and thought I'd break them in. I haven't! So, they're rather uncomfortable and with both of the above on sale (for the same price), I really need to get another pair as a late Christmas gift for myself. The only problem is which one? Any answer is highly valued, guys!
Ro: Da, am deja o pereche de ghete cu decupaturi pe lateral, dar mi-am cam gresit marimea cand le-am comandat si desi credeam ca o sa cedeze (si am incercat toate metodele in acest scop), sunt in continuare destul de incomfortabile. Si cum amandoua variantele de mai sus sunt la reducere (cam la acelasi pret), am hotarat ca merit sa imi fac singura un cadou de Craciun. Singura problema e ca nu ma pot hotari...1 sau 2? Orice raspuns e asteptat cu nerabdare si bine primit!
joi, 26 decembrie 2013
luni, 23 decembrie 2013
The DIY Embellished Beanie
En: Last year, in a moment of feeling crafty I thought to myself: why spend a lot of money on something I could do myself? You see I had a huge crush on a hat wore by Elisa Nalin, check it out HERE, which costed a fortune I could never justify spending on a hat. So, I went to H&M, bought a cheap 3$ hat, then ran to a local store to get some embellishments (another 5$) and then the sewing began. Easy peasy, looks nice and feels good to wear something made by myslef. I don't wear it all that often (because I own way too many hats) but it really matched yesterday's white and gray outfit, so I took it out for a spin. Now I'm looking for a black one to write something on, maybe with studs or pearls, kinda like THIS. It'll be my project for this vacation, wish me luck! And until I see you, enjoy these holidays as you like best and have a Merry Christmas!
Ro: Anul trecut intr-un moment de "si eu pot sa fac o caciulita DIN ASTA" m-am apucat sa cos pietricele de la mercerie pe o caciula simpla H&M (cea mai ieftina gasita, vreo 10 lei am dat pe ea). Nimic complicat, m-am jucat un pic cu pietrele, m-am hotarat cum sa le aranjez, le-am facut si o poza ca sa nu uit si am trecut la cusut. Rezultatul il aveti in poze si spre deosebire de alte "proiecte" de-ale mele a fost atat de simplu incat nu putea iesi decat bine. Nu port prea des caciulita, dar ieri s-a potrivit perfect cu tinuta mea in alb si gri, asa ca am scos-o la plimbare. Si uitandu-ma la poze, parca ma mananca din nou degetelele sa fac una si anul asta, ma gandesc sa fie neagra si sa scriu ceva cu tinte/perle cusute de mana, cam in stilul ASTA. Daca iese, va tin la curent. Pana atunci, va doresc sa va bucurati de sarbatori cum stiti voi mai bine si noi ne vedem dupa colinde si mese festive! Craciun fericit!
vineri, 20 decembrie 2013
Run and Buy: Pearl Studs
En: I know pearls have been around for a while and they always had the amazing capacity to elevate any outfit. They are timeless clasics and most of you probably already own a necklace, a pair of earrings or a bracelet (you can see mine in the previous photos). But lately, ever since Dior created these unconventional earrings, I feel like my jewelry collection needs an update, too. So today, while I was searching for the perfct Dior look-alikes (unfortunately without success), I came across many beautiful and current pearl styles and I thought I'd share. Maybe you're gonna wear pearls yourself or maybe they can find their way to your loved ones as a Christmas present!
Ro: Stiu ca femeile poarta perle de cand lumea si ca sunt o solutie la indemana cand vrem sa facem un outfit sa arate elegant. La fel ca o rochita neagra, pantofii stiletto rosii sau un trenci bej, perlele sunt accesorii clasice si probabil majoritatea detineti deja un colier sau o pereche de cercei. Eu le-am primit cadou pe ale mele de la mama, cand am implinit 20 de ani si le-am intrebuintat cu fiecare ocazie. Totusi, in ultima vreme, de cand Dior ne-a prezentat acesti cercei neconventionali, cred ca a venit momentul sa imi actualizez si eu colectia de bijuterii. Cum versiunea Dior nu intra in calcul, momentan sunt in cautare de o pereche asemanatoare la un pret pentru bugetul meu de student. Si tot cautand, m-am gandit sa fac si o lista de posibile achizitii, in caz ca va ganditi si voi sa purtati perle Craciunul asta sau poate sa le oferiti cadou cuiva drag?
miercuri, 18 decembrie 2013
Get the Look: Winter in Soft Shades
En: This is the best winter look I've seen in a while and what I'm planning to wear these holidays. I love these soft hues and how Kristina matched the look to black over the knee boots to keep it more season appropriate. So I tried to recreate it with more affordable items, whcih you can shop with a simple click below. Get festive, Christmas is coming!
Ro: Asta e una din cele mai frumoase tinute pe care le-am vazut in ultima vreme si cam asa intetnionez sa ma imbrac si eu de sarbatori. Imi plac nuantele pastelate si cum le-a asortat unor cizme negre peste genunchi (ca doar e iarna) astfel incat arata chic fara sa fie prea girly. Mai jos m-am straduit sa recreez loookul Kristinei Bazan cu piese mai acceptabile, pe care le puteti cumpara cu un simplu click. Happy shopping!
Ro: Asta e una din cele mai frumoase tinute pe care le-am vazut in ultima vreme si cam asa intetnionez sa ma imbrac si eu de sarbatori. Imi plac nuantele pastelate si cum le-a asortat unor cizme negre peste genunchi (ca doar e iarna) astfel incat arata chic fara sa fie prea girly. Mai jos m-am straduit sa recreez loookul Kristinei Bazan cu piese mai acceptabile, pe care le puteti cumpara cu un simplu click. Happy shopping!
Pastel Winter by ancab featuring www.kayture.com images
duminică, 15 decembrie 2013
Anna Karenina Would Be so Jealous!
En: I've been thinking of a Russian hat ever since I saw the last Anna Karenina movie (the one with Keira Knightley wearing sublime costumes and the most amazing hats you've ever seen). Then, I saw THIS photo on Vogue's website. And it only enhanced my craving, but without any result till this fall when I finally came across a similar furry headpiece at a vintage fair. I bought it without a minute of hesitation and I love how it matches my hair color, I think it's gonna be a favorite this winter. What do you think? What kind of hats do you wear all through the cold season?
Ro: Ma gandeam la o caciula de blana inca de cand am vazut cea mai recenta ecranizare a Annei Karenina (da, filmul cu Keira Knightley imbracata in tot felul de rochii fabuloase si cu palarii si bijuterii pe masura). Apoi, am mai vazut si fotografia ASTA pe site-ul Vogue si, evident, am inceput sa cred ca nu mai pot trai fara o caciula de genul. Ei bine, a trebuit sa traiesc o vreme, pana toamna asta, cand am dat peste ea la targul de la Negreni si am cumparat-o fara ezitare (si fara sa mai negociez pretul desi mai era loc). Mi-a placut cum se potriveste cu nuanta parului meu si cred ca o sa fie foarte purtata iarna asta. Ce spuneti? Voi ce palarii/ caciulite veti purta in sezonul rece?
I was wearing: coat - Esprit; sweater - Massimo Dutti; jeans - vintage Levi's; boots - BBup; bag - Michael Kors; hat - vintage.
Am purtat: palton - Esprit; bluza - Massimo Dutti; jeansi - Levi's vintage; ghete - BBup; geanta - Michael Kors; caciula - vintage.
joi, 12 decembrie 2013
Let's Talk Beauty!
En: Although I'm far from being a beauty expert, I have taken a lot more interest in the matter over the past couple of years. I've always been a fan of a more natural look, which for a very long time meant almost no makeup, but with age I've come to understand how it can be a powerful weapon to help enhance your best features. I still keep a rather subtle look most days and get a little playful when it comes to evening makeup. As for the products I use, I try to stay somewhere in the average price range as most of my finaces go towards clothing and accesories (especially shoes and bags, that's a big issue!). I've made a selection of my favorites, but I am also really curious about yours as there's always room for more additions. Any suggestions?
Ro: Chiar daca mai am multe de invatat despre ingrijirea pielli si machiaj, in ultimul an m-am preocupat mult mai mult decat pana acum de acest aspect. Poate ca tine si de faptul ca tenul meu nu mai arata ca la 18 ani cand nu foloseam decat mascara si un gloss; la aproape 25 am inteles ca machiajul e un bun prieten, care scoate in evidenta ce avem mai frumos si ne face sa aratam mereu ingrijite. In cea mai mare parte a zilelor, aleg un look destul de natural si seara incerc sa fiu mai creativa, iar produsele pe care le folosesc sunt din categoria medie de pret, care cred eu ca fac treaba la fel de bine ca cele mult mai scumpe. Totul e sa alegem ce ni se potriveste si asta se obtine experimentand cat mai mult. Sunt curioasa, voi ce produse preferate aveti? Orice sugestii sunt binevenite!
For my face I use: a Clinique Even Better SPF15 foundation and Clinique's airbrush concealer to cover any imperfections, a Rimmel translucent powder and a Rimmel rose blush/
Pentru machiajul fetei folosesc un fond de ten Clinique Even Better si un corector-iluminator tot de la Clinique, o pudra translucida si un blush de la Rimmel.
For my eyes, the basics include a lot of Revlon products: the Grow Luscious mascara, the Colorstay eyeliner and a smokey eye shadow palette, but I also love Rimmel products, especially their Scandal Eyes micro eyeliner/
Pentru ochi, am multe produse Revlon: mascara Grow Luscious, creion khol Colorstay si fardul de pleoape smokey eyes, iar cand vine vorba de tus, Scandal Eyes de la Rimmel e de departe preferatul meu.
Lips favorites are these Astor lip butters, which are a 3 in 1 lipstick, gloss and balm. I have more of these in shades called Loved Up or Hug me, so you gotta love 'em:
Preferatele mele pentru buze sunt aceste creioane-ruj de la Astor, care sunt un ruj, gloss si balsam in acelasi produs si au niste nuante cu nume adorabile, precum Loved Up sau Hug Me.
I also own a few lipsticks by Clinique (in Chainti or Raspberry Glace) and a lot of Rimmel ones, my favorite shades being the purple "Cutting Edge" and the red "Temptation"/
Iar pentru zilele cand vreau o culoare mai intensa pe buze, am cateva rujuri preferate - Clnique (nuantele Raspeberry Glace sau Chianti) si Rimmel (Cutting Edge sau Temptation).
Makeup brushes are a must and I currently use a Bobbi Brown natural hair set, which I store in a glass filled with scented sand so that stay perfectly separated and don't touch each other/
Un set de pensule de machiaj e indispensabil, ale mele sunt din par natural, de la Bobbi Brown si le tin intr-un pahar umplut cu nisip parfumat, ca sa stea drepte si sa nu se atinga intre ele.
No beauty post would be complete without talking about perfume. Out of everything I have tried, my current top 3 is: Guerlain's La Petite Robe Noir, Dior Addict and Ricci Ricci by Nina Ricci/
Nicio postare despre frumusete nu ar fi completa fara sa vorbim despre parfum. Dintre tot ce am incercat de-alungul timpului, in top 3 sunt: La Petite Robe Noir de la Guerlain, Dior Addict si Ricci Ricci de la Niana Ricci.
vineri, 6 decembrie 2013
To Chop or not to Chop?
En: The thing with me and hair is that I get awfully quickly bored with it. Therefore, I've had every length and color imaginable (I think I should do a post on it, you'll see) and now, after one year with the same color and shape, I've gotten to the stage where I can't take it anymore. So I've been looking for some hair inspiration, you can check out my Pinterest HERE, and I really like this long, layered, wavy bob style. What do you think: should I go for it?
Ro: Problema mea cu podoaba-mi capilara e ca ma plictisesc ingrozitor de repede. Asa ca, de-a lungul anilor, am trecut prin toate culorile si lungimile imaginabile (cred ca ar trebui sa fac si o postare pe tema asta, ati vedea) si acum, dupa un an de acelasi blond aramiu lung, am ajuns in puntul in care am o nevoie disperata de ceva nou. Asa ca am tot cautat ceva potrivit, aruncati o privire pe Pinterest AICI, si cred ca m-as vedea cu un bob lung, cam ca si in fotografii. Ce parere aveti?
miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013
About Winter and Skirts
En: I wore this outfit to celebrate our two year anniversary (me with my fiance) and while I loved the look, I have to admit I could have frozen to death had this walk been any longer. We were feeling really happy and excited and in the mood to take millions of photos, but no matter how much I love wearing skirts, below zero temperatures are a real challenge. So we made it a rather quick photoshoot, where I also get to show you my over the knee bots (doesn't everyone and their mother have a pair?). Funny thing is I bought these in spring for a fraction of the price and although it seemed a waste of money at the time, now it proved one of the wisest things I've done. Hope you like it!
Ro: Am purtat tinuta asta pentru a aniversa doi ani alaturi de logodnicul meu si cu toate ca mi-a placut mult, am fost aproape congelata la sfarsitul plimbarii noastre prin oras. Eu am o chestie cu fustele (adica imi plac prea mult) si nu pot renunta la ele nici cand temperaturile de afara o cam impun, asa ca sufar cumplit in fiecare iarna si ma gandesc cu nerabdare la primavara. Fusta am purtat-o cu noile mele cizme peste genunchi cumparate candva in luna mai (cand pareau o investitie stupida avand in vedere ca am asteptat juma de an sa le port) la un pret de vreo 2 ori mai mic decat sunt acum in magazine. Mai am si eu sclipiri din astea si tare utile se dovedesc pe termen lung! Cum va place?
luni, 2 decembrie 2013
December Wishlist
En: I'm on a self imposed shopping ban all trough December (that means not buying stuff for myself, I'll be redirecting all my funds towards presents for others) and I have already cheated a little (because in my mind thrifting doesn't count, given the ridiculously low prices). However, while I try to stay on top of the situation, I cannot stop my mind from dreaming about some Persun goodies I could be wearing for the upcoming holidays. I even created a small wishlist of my favorites and you can find all the links below:
Ro: Sunt intr-o pauza de cumparaturi impusa atat de dorinta mea de a cumpara mai putin (cat si bugetul limitat al lunii decembrie, cand majoritatea banilor mi se duc in directia cadourilor). Bine, trebuie sa recunosc ca deja am trisat putin (cu o pereche de jeansi dintr-un second hand, pe care nu ii pun la socoteala fiindca au costat in jur de 20 de lei). Totusi, regulile astea autoimpuse nu ma opresc de la a-mi arunca privirea pe la ce mai au magazinele online nou si am gasit cateva bunatati numai bune pentru sarbatori. Asa ca,in caz ca sunteti in cautare de ceva nou (pentru voi sau cineva drag), am alcatuit un mic wishlist de la Persun. Mai jos aveti si linkurile:
1.Classical red plaid cotton shirt
2.Black and white zebra print coat
3.Fashion colored cross line sweater
4.Europe style slim fit assorted color coat
5.British style mini frilly skirt
6.Retro winter warm checked sweater
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