luni, 22 decembrie 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: For Her!

Gift Guide

                         1. Mac cosmetics lipstick                                          7. MSSilk Sleep Eye Mask
                        2. Urban decay eyeshadow                                        8. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green (Hardcover)
                        3. Madewell vintage bracelet                                     9. H M round candle
                        4. Skinny Dip London Bling Headphones                     10. H M white hosiery
                        5. Chicwish gray pullover sweater                             11. Forever 21 tech accessory 
                        6. Lace shorts                                                          12. Holiday sleepwear  

En: I know I'm not the only one still rushing to get some last minute Christmas presents. I'm not, am I? No, there's gotta be some other lazy/uninspired people out there. But do not worry, this small gigt guide comes to the rescue! We all have at least a special Her in our lives (mom, sister, bff...), so here are some ideas on cute presents for these ladies:
  • Is she into make up? Well, she's a girl, so of course she's into make up! And no matter how many or few cosmetic products she owns, a red lipstick or a nude eyeshadow palette are suitable for everyone.
  • For the perfectly accessorized girl, a cute golden bracelet will always do the trick. But if you think a piece of jewelry is too predictible, why not get her some beautiful embellished headphones? You know she'll love them!
  • The fashionista - always perfectly dressed, owns more clothes than her closet could hold. So, you think you shouldn't get her more? Well, I say that's wrong - her love of fashion is insatiable and she'll most likely be crazy excited for a fuzzy sweater and some lace shorts (or any other "on trend" item, for that matter).
  • Does she love spending Sundays in bed? Is there someone who doesn't? Maybe it's time to spoil her with the cutest pijamas and a lovely sleeping mask to encourage her to rest properly and take good care of herself because she deserves it.
  • And now here's a little bit of something for everyone: a scented candle, a thick pair of warm socks, an adorable phone case or, my personal favorite, an amazing book ("The Fault in Our Stars" would work for pretty much every girl I know).

Ro: Mai sunt 3 zile. Cu tot cu ziua de azi. Asa ca nu o s-o lungesc prea mult cu vorba. Mai jos - cateva sugestii de cadouri pentru mama, sora, cea mai buna prietena sau orice alta persoana de sex feminin careia vrei sa ii cumperi un mic cadou:
  • E vorba de fata cu machiajul mereu perfect? Sau, dimpotriva, e adepta machiajului natural, foarte putin vizibil? Exista variante de cadouri pentru fiecare: un ruj rosu sau o paleta de farduri de pleoape nude sunt indispensabile!
  • Poate ii cauti un cadou prietenei tale perfect accesorizate (stii tu - fata cu cele mai multe si mai frumoase bijuterii). Poti sa ii imbogatesti colectia cu o bratara interesanta sau, daca vrei ceva mai putin previzibil, incearca o pereche de casti albe cu pietricele aurii - o vor incanta cu siguranta.
  • Fashionista - fata indragostita de moda, cu un dulap deja prea plin. Si totusi, va mai gasi loc in sifonierul sau pentru cadoul de la tine: un pulover pufos,o pereche de pantaloni scurti din dantela sau orice alt obiect vestimentar foarte chic si foarte la moda.
  • Cui nu ii place sa isi petreaca diminetile de Duminica in pat, inconjurata de reviste, carti sau doar cu laptopul si cafeaua? Cum ar fi sa o rasfeti pe mama sau pe cea mai buna prietena cu o pijama fina numai buna pentru astfel de momente? 
  • In final, cateva idei de cadouri numai bune pentru...oricine: o lumanare parfumata, o pereche de sosete pufoase, o husa noua pentru telefon sau, preferata mea, o carte buna (cu "Sub aceeasi stea" a lui John Green mergi la sigur). Spor la cumparat!

luni, 8 decembrie 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: For Him!

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En: If you're anything like me, you must be freaking out right now, trying to figure out what gifts to get for Him (boyfriend, dad, brother, friend). I tried to put together a small list of suggestions, please treat them as inspiration and feel free to add your personal touch as the beauty of a present lies exactly in you spending precious time thinking of others!
  •  If you're intention is to go big (budget-wise) - a men's watch works every time and he'll never have too many (so, don't worry if he owns quite the collection, there's always room for more).
  •  If your boy is into winter sports, the list is limitless: snowboard, boots, ski helmet, goggles or any other budget friendly sporty item; just make sure to choose the right color to match the rest of his winter gear.
  •  If you're shopping for a guy who's into cooking, a good set of knives could make a really nice, rather unexpected gift. Otherwise, if he's a wine lover you could surprise him with a really classy corkscrew. Bonus points if it comes with his favorite wine!
  •  If you're feeling uninspired one of these works for everyone: pijamas, hat, scarf or a nice set of socks. And if you feel like it's not original enough, go crazy with the packaging!
  •  Last but not least, there are all kinds of gift cards out there, allowing him to choose his own present. But while some may think this is the best gift ever, others find it too impersonal, so be rather careful who you get them for!
  •  Don't be afraid to go wrong! If nothing else, everyone loves to be remembered and will appreciate your beautiful gesture!

Ro: E 8.12.14. Sunt 16 zile pana la Craciun si nu imi place sa aman lucrurile prea mult. Asta inseamna ca ar trebui sa pornesc la vanatoarea anuala de cadouri. Dar ce sa le iau? Ce le-ar placea lor (iubiti, tatici, frati, prieteni)? Nu, nu am raspunsul la aceasta intrebare, dar am cateva sugestii care s-ar putea sa-i surprinda placut:
  •  Daca ai un buget maricel (nu e cazul meu anul asta), un ceas e intotdeauna o idee buna! Da, chiar daca mai are vreo 5, tot o sa se bucure de un nou exemplar adaugat colectiei!
  •  Daca avem de-a face cu un impatimit al sporturilor de iarna, optiunile sunt numeroase: snowboard, casca, gogglesi si orice alte maruntisuri mai gasim pe raionul respectiv. Atentie la culori totusi, un cadou care se potriveste de minune cu restul echipamentului sau arata multa atentie si va fi cu siguranta apreciat !
  •  Daca ii place sa gateasca, un set de cutite de cea mai buna calitate il vor surprinde in mod placut. Iar daca intra in bucatarie doar cat sa aduca paharele de vin, un tirbuson nou insotit de o sticla din vinul lui preferat, ii vor fi foarte pe plac!
  •  Daca acel EL pentru care cumperi cadouri nu se incadreaza in niciuna dintre categoriile de mai sus, exista variante potrivite pentru mai toata lumea: o caciula, un fular, pijamale noi sau un set de sosete. Cadouri simple, dar utile si extrem de necesare!
  •  Ar mai fi varianta gift cardului (si gasesti cate unul peste tot). Totusi, acesta nu e un cadou chiar pentru toata lumea: unii il considera perfect, dar altora li se pare mult prea impersonal. Atentie mare, asadar, si incearca sa-i gasestii pe cei din prima categorie!
  •  Sa nu iti fie frica, nu exista cadouri gresite (doar care vor fi redaruite altora, dar chiar si acelea vor face un om fericit la urma urmei :p)! 

miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014

Custom Made


En: So, I'm done! With Med School and my residency exam, that is. From now on, I'll be a dermatologist and I'm feeling super excited to finally start working. These past few months have been a marathon, one I didn't finish first, but close enough to feel good about myself and to feel grateful that all my hard work paid off. Also, I guess this means I'll be back to posting more than once a month and I'll resume reading some pretty great blogs I know I've been missing on (sorry, guys, can't wait to get back to you :D). A lot of plans, a lot more than I'd have the time to explain over here, so let's get analyzing my outfit instead: black, gray, burgundy. Simple, but made me feel priceless - maybe the custom made skirt has something to do with it? It fits perfectly (because it's made after my measurements), I love the shape (because I chose it myslef from their selection) and the color is amazing (because once again, I was able to pick it from many, many fabrics). So, if you're looking to spoil yourself with a custom made item of clothing, I highly recommend Sumissura as I think there's nothing better than clothes that fit like a dream!

Ro: Cele mai grele 5 luni. S-au terminat saptamana trecuta, o data cu examenul de rezidentiat. De azi inainte, sunt medic rezident dermatolog :D S-au terminat multe saptamana trecuta, cum ar fi pauza de la citit ce imi place (carti, reviste, bloguri la care astept cu nerabdare sa ma intorc), lipsa convorbirilor telefonice de 2 ore cu prietenele si tanjeala dupa iesiri la cafea in dupa-mesele ploioase. Lista e mult mai lunga, asa ca o sa ma opresc aici (ca sa va scriu vreo 2 cuvinte si despre tinuta de azi). Gri, negru si visiniu inchis, culorile mele favorite momentan. Dar mai mult decat cromatica aleasa, imi place fusta facuta la comanda pe site-ul celor de la Sumissura - imi vine perfect (pentru ca e facuta dupa dimensiunile mele), e cu talie inalta si are lungimea perfecta pentru mine (pentru ca eu am ales modelul), iar culoarea...mai are rost sa spun ceva despre ea? (am ales din peste 50 de variante de materiale). Daca vreti sa va rasfatati (pentru ca ati scapat de un examen greu sau...pur si simplu pentru ca toti meritam asta din cand in cand), va recomand cu incredere acest site. La urma urmei, nu e nicio haina mai frumoasa decat cea care ne vine perfect!


I was wearing: skirt - HERE; blouse - Zara; faux fur coat - New Look, similar HERE; boots - BBup; beanie - H&M Men.
Am purtat: fusta - AICI; bluza - Zara; haina blana artificiala - New Look, asemanatoare AICI; botine - BBup: caciula - H&M Men.

luni, 17 noiembrie 2014

Going to College


I was wearing: coat - get it HERE; top - Zara; pants - Vero Moda; shoes - All Shoes; sunglasses - Meli Melo.
Am purtat: palton - il gasiti AICI; bluza - Zara; pantaloni - Vero Moda; pantofi - All Shoes; ochelari de soare - Meli Melo.

En: I think having just graduated, I'm feeling quite nostalgic this fall. I always pictured autumn as the time for new beginnings, which it was - a new school year was the perfect time to start fresh and set goals for myself both in school and on a personal level. I believe as humans we are a constant work in progress and the need to better ourselves should always stick with us and what beter time to challenge that need than fall? On a more shallow note, fall also meant new clothes and new outfit possibilities. And since I already worn you I'm feeling nostalgic, the outfit today is my take on the perfect college look - simple, classy, comfortable and with a twist on the color scheme. I even brought my books to match it!

Ro: Toamna. Cate s-ar putea spune despre ea, cate s-au si spus, de fapt. Dar poate ca e mai bine sa o las in grija poetilor si sa va spun, foarte pe scurt, cateva vorbe despre tinuta de azi. Trebuie sa mentionez ca e o tinuta nascuta din nostalgie (am absolvit de curand) si a fost primul Octombrie fara cursuri si stagii. Asa ca am facut un mic exercitiu de imaginatie - cum m-as fi imbracat daca...? si asta e rezultatul. Asta as fi purtat in prima zi de facultate: simplu, clasic, comod, in roz, negru si visiniu. Linkul pentru paltonul roz se gaseste putin mai sus :)!


joi, 23 octombrie 2014

October Wishlist

En: Given that these past few months have been extremely stressful and with no time to spare, shopping has been the last thing on my mind. But now that the temperatures are seriously dropping, I find myself in desperate need of some cozy knits and warm coats. As far as colors go, I'm mostly in a black phase, but I'll take a little pink every now and then. I already ordered one of these, can you guess which?

Ro: Avand in vedere ca utimele luni au fost extrem de aglomerate si stresante, timp de cumparaturi nu prea am avut. Dar acum, cu temperaturile in continua scadere, simt ca e nevoie de un update la mine in garderoba. Cateva pulovere pufoase, un palton nou si o fusta scurta pe care s-o port cu cizme peste genunchi sunt doar cateva exemple (din multele lucruri de care as avea nevoie). Cromatic, sunt intr-o faza in care as purta gri sau negru in fiecare zi, dar m-am gandit ca poate o pata de roz m-ar binedispune, asa ca paltonul nr. 1 se indreapta deja spre mine...


duminică, 5 octombrie 2014

The Wicked Witch

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En: I couldn't help myself with the title. I feel like it's a hat a witch would wear so no other description seemed better. I wore this for a morning at the Zoo with my boyfriend this morning. We finally had a day off and decided to spend it outdoors, walking for as much as we could, admiring beautiful animals, but also feeling a little sad for them, so far from their natural habitat. I hope you like my look and I hope you had a magnificient Sunday!

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I was wearing: cardigan - vintage; mom jeans- vintage; boots - Calvin Klein, find them on; hat- H&M.
Am purtat: cardigan - vintage; jeansi - vintage; botine - Calvin Klein, le puteti gasi pe; palarie - H&M.

marți, 23 septembrie 2014

Double Pink


En: As I'm writing this, lazy on my couch, with Fashion TV on the background, I realize how amazing it feels to have a day off every now and then. I haven't had one of these for a couple of months, so I surely appreciate it. Now that I'm done with my thesis exam (yay!), I figured it was time for a blog post before I hide behind piles of books again (still got my residency in November). I hope you like this black look, brightened only by the hair and pumps. Have a nice week everyone!

Ro: Va scriu aceste randuri de pa canapeaua mea confortabila, unde am stat toata ziua, uitandu-ma la Fashion TV. Am uitat cat e de bine sa avem o zi libera, lipsita de griji, in care nu am facut mai nimic, dar mi-am incarcat bateriile si mi-am odihnit mintea. Aveam mare nevoie de o astfel de zi dupa examenul de licenta (de care am scapat cu bine) si m-am gandit ca inainte de a ma intoarce la mormanele de carti de pe birou (rezidentiatul e de-abia in noiembrie), o noua postare ar fi recomandata. Sper sa va placa tinuta asta all black purtata cu tocurile roz neon Poema de care am fost nedespartita in ultima vreme!



I was wearing: blazer - Mango; t-shirt - Nike; leggings - United Colors of Benetton, get them HERE; pumps - Poema, get them HERE.
Am purtat: sacou - Mango; tricou - Nike; colanti - United Colors of Benetton, ii gasiti AICI; pantofi - Poema, ii gasiti AICI.

duminică, 17 august 2014

Run and Buy: Summer Slides

En: They're everywhere. Either the classic Birkenstocks or the more subtle version of summer slides. It took me a while to decide whether I could really walk around in them, but I eventually gave in. Now I can rarely be seen wearing other shoes, so I deicided to put up a list of my favorites, maybe you'll give in, too. Happy shopping!

Ro: Sunt peste tot. Fie clasicii Birkenstock sau vreo reinterpretare de-a lor. Exista toate culorile si toate modelele, pentru orice buget. Mie mi-a luat o vreme sa ma hotarasc daca as putea sa ma incalt asa (cam de vara trecuta cand au inceput timid sa apara in fotografiile de streetstyle), dar, de curand, am cedat. Acum, daca ne intalnim pe strada sigur o sa ma vedeti incaltata in Birkenstock (rar mai port altceva). Mai jos, am alcatuit o lista cu variantele mele preferate, sa stiti unde ii gasiti daca va tenteaza :) Spor la cumparaturi!


duminică, 10 august 2014

Learning minimalism (slowly)

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En: I never knew how to describe my style as it's really flexible. Of course I'm influenced by trends (although I say to myself I dress according to my mood; let's be honest, we don't leave on the moon - we see things and we want things). However, lately, I've been gravitating more and more towards minimalism (must be getting old or something). So, with a few photos as proof, I've put up a list of tips on how to achieve a minimalistic look:
1. Material quality is everything. Start from here when you go shopping and you'll see a big improvement.
2. Careful on colors: black and white are absolutely neccesary, but you can also add a lot of beige, gray, baby blue or burgundy. Not in the same look, of course! Maximum three colors per look.
3. Accessories should be reduced to a minimum, one statement piece is more than enough, whether it's a necklace, earrings or a big ring.
4. Careful on the shoes. A minimalistic outfit looks best with delicate strappy sandals or stilettos as it makes it look sophisticated. But if you're the comfy type, one of the it shoes of the season could help, too: Birkenstocks or slip ons.
5. Last but not least (and this one is the hardest), watch your shopping! Don't let yourself distracted by sales or outlets selling cute little dresses or tops that are not really your style. Stick to your simple lines and every once in a while, splurge on something unusual as a structured jacket or a perfectly tailored dress!

Ro: Niciodata nu am stiut cum sa imi decriu stilul. Asta pentru ca e destul de flexibil. Si desi ma mint singura ca ma imbrac doar in concordonta cu starea mea de spirit, adevarul e ca sunt influentata si de trenduri (presupun ca e normal daca tot vedem unele lucruri sa incepem sa ni le dorim). Totusi, in ultima perioada, m-am indreptat tot mai mut in directia minimalismului (o fi varsta? sau viata mult prea agitata?) si m-am gandit sa fac o lista de sugestii pentru a obtine un look minimalist chic:
1. Materialele de cea mai buna calitate stau la baza unei tinute minimaliste reusite. Daca incepeti sa inlocuiti poliesterul cu bumbac 100%, bumbac satinat sau matase, veti observa o mare diferenta.
2. Atentie la culori: minimalism inseamna mult alb si negru, dar la fel de bine poate insemna bej, gri, albastru deschis, bleumarin sau visiniu. Nu toate in aceeasi tinuta, desigur! Maxim 3 culori/look.
3. Accesoriile trebuie reduse la minim, o singura piesa care atrage atentia e suficient, fie ca este vorba despre un colier masiv, o pereche de cercei sau un inel oversized. La fel de bine puteti opta pentru bijuterii extrem de discrete, caz in care se accepta mai multe.
4. Atentie la pantofi. Pantofii stiletto arata cel mai chic la un outfit minimalist. Dar daca preferati confortul, puteti opta pentru pantofi cu talpa joasa, de exemplu Birkenstocks sau espadrile.
5. Ultima mea sugestie (si cea care imi da cele mai mari batai de cap): aveti grija ce cumparati! Reducerile sunt tentante, exista prea multe outleturi cu preturi imbatabile si mereu gasim cate o rochita draguta care ne striga "Ia-ma acasa!". Totusi, daca incercati sa va construiti o garderoba functionala si coerenta, incercati sa rezistati tentatiilor de genul acesta. Mai profitabil ar fi sa investiti, din cand in cand, intr-o piesa interesanta, precum o jacheta structurata care nu se va demoda niciodata sau o rochie cu un croi impecabil.
Acesta e micul meu ghid, sper sa ne fie de folos (cred ca o sa il recitesc si eu ori de cate ori ma pregatesc de o sesiune de cumparaturi :))!

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vineri, 1 august 2014

Life Lately


En: Just in case you were wondering, I'm still alive. Very much alive actually and really busy studying for my residency. So, it took me forever to prepare a new post, but here it is: graduation and prom photo overflow. I hope you enjoy them, it was a very special moment for me after 6 years of Med School and I felt the need to share. And, yes, I had pink hair for prom; it was just a temporary shampoo, it's out now but I really want it back...

Ro: Desi am absentat cam mult de pe blog (si o sa tot absentez vara asta), sa nu credeti ca l-am abandonat de tot. Ma pregatesc pentru examenul de rezidentiat si asta imi ocupa tot timpul (yey!). Asa ca mi-a luat cam multicel sa postez fotografiile de la absolvire si de la banchet. Totusi, dupa 6 ani de Medicina, a fost un moment cu totul special pentru mine si am simtit nevoia sa le impartasesc si cu voi (cu o mica/mare intarziere). In rest, ne vedem pe Insta, unde am ramas destul de activa si pe blog peste inca vreo 2 saptamani :))


For graduation I wore a COS dress (have I expresed my love for the brand already?), a Nissa pearl necklace and my trusty Michael Kors watch.
Pentru absolvire am purtat o rochie neagra COS (v-am spus deja ca sunt fan al brandului?), un colier Nissa si ceasul Michael Kors.


For prom, I wore a Nissa dress, Smiling Shoes sandals (get them HERE), Meli Melo earringS and a Benvenutti clutch.
Pentru banchet am purtat o rochie Nissa, sandale Smiling Shoes (le gasiti AICI), cercei Meli Melo si un plic Benvenutti.