6. Lace shorts 12. Holiday sleepwear
En: I know I'm not the only one still rushing to get some last minute Christmas presents. I'm not, am I? No, there's gotta be some other lazy/uninspired people out there. But do not worry, this small gigt guide comes to the rescue! We all have at least a special Her in our lives (mom, sister, bff...), so here are some ideas on cute presents for these ladies:
- Is she into make up? Well, she's a girl, so of course she's into make up! And no matter how many or few cosmetic products she owns, a red lipstick or a nude eyeshadow palette are suitable for everyone.
- For the perfectly accessorized girl, a cute golden bracelet will always do the trick. But if you think a piece of jewelry is too predictible, why not get her some beautiful embellished headphones? You know she'll love them!
- The fashionista - always perfectly dressed, owns more clothes than her closet could hold. So, you think you shouldn't get her more? Well, I say that's wrong - her love of fashion is insatiable and she'll most likely be crazy excited for a fuzzy sweater and some lace shorts (or any other "on trend" item, for that matter).
- Does she love spending Sundays in bed? Is there someone who doesn't? Maybe it's time to spoil her with the cutest pijamas and a lovely sleeping mask to encourage her to rest properly and take good care of herself because she deserves it.
- And now here's a little bit of something for everyone: a scented candle, a thick pair of warm socks, an adorable phone case or, my personal favorite, an amazing book ("The Fault in Our Stars" would work for pretty much every girl I know).
Ro: Mai sunt 3 zile. Cu tot cu ziua de azi. Asa ca nu o s-o lungesc prea mult cu vorba. Mai jos - cateva sugestii de cadouri pentru mama, sora, cea mai buna prietena sau orice alta persoana de sex feminin careia vrei sa ii cumperi un mic cadou:
- E vorba de fata cu machiajul mereu perfect? Sau, dimpotriva, e adepta machiajului natural, foarte putin vizibil? Exista variante de cadouri pentru fiecare: un ruj rosu sau o paleta de farduri de pleoape nude sunt indispensabile!
- Poate ii cauti un cadou prietenei tale perfect accesorizate (stii tu - fata cu cele mai multe si mai frumoase bijuterii). Poti sa ii imbogatesti colectia cu o bratara interesanta sau, daca vrei ceva mai putin previzibil, incearca o pereche de casti albe cu pietricele aurii - o vor incanta cu siguranta.
- Fashionista - fata indragostita de moda, cu un dulap deja prea plin. Si totusi, va mai gasi loc in sifonierul sau pentru cadoul de la tine: un pulover pufos,o pereche de pantaloni scurti din dantela sau orice alt obiect vestimentar foarte chic si foarte la moda.
- Cui nu ii place sa isi petreaca diminetile de Duminica in pat, inconjurata de reviste, carti sau doar cu laptopul si cafeaua? Cum ar fi sa o rasfeti pe mama sau pe cea mai buna prietena cu o pijama fina numai buna pentru astfel de momente?
- In final, cateva idei de cadouri numai bune pentru...oricine: o lumanare parfumata, o pereche de sosete pufoase, o husa noua pentru telefon sau, preferata mea, o carte buna (cu "Sub aceeasi stea" a lui John Green mergi la sigur). Spor la cumparat!
nice.. ;-))
kissed From Poland ; **
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