luni, 8 decembrie 2014

Holiday Gift Guide: For Him!

Untitled #79

En: If you're anything like me, you must be freaking out right now, trying to figure out what gifts to get for Him (boyfriend, dad, brother, friend). I tried to put together a small list of suggestions, please treat them as inspiration and feel free to add your personal touch as the beauty of a present lies exactly in you spending precious time thinking of others!
  •  If you're intention is to go big (budget-wise) - a men's watch works every time and he'll never have too many (so, don't worry if he owns quite the collection, there's always room for more).
  •  If your boy is into winter sports, the list is limitless: snowboard, boots, ski helmet, goggles or any other budget friendly sporty item; just make sure to choose the right color to match the rest of his winter gear.
  •  If you're shopping for a guy who's into cooking, a good set of knives could make a really nice, rather unexpected gift. Otherwise, if he's a wine lover you could surprise him with a really classy corkscrew. Bonus points if it comes with his favorite wine!
  •  If you're feeling uninspired one of these works for everyone: pijamas, hat, scarf or a nice set of socks. And if you feel like it's not original enough, go crazy with the packaging!
  •  Last but not least, there are all kinds of gift cards out there, allowing him to choose his own present. But while some may think this is the best gift ever, others find it too impersonal, so be rather careful who you get them for!
  •  Don't be afraid to go wrong! If nothing else, everyone loves to be remembered and will appreciate your beautiful gesture!

Ro: E 8.12.14. Sunt 16 zile pana la Craciun si nu imi place sa aman lucrurile prea mult. Asta inseamna ca ar trebui sa pornesc la vanatoarea anuala de cadouri. Dar ce sa le iau? Ce le-ar placea lor (iubiti, tatici, frati, prieteni)? Nu, nu am raspunsul la aceasta intrebare, dar am cateva sugestii care s-ar putea sa-i surprinda placut:
  •  Daca ai un buget maricel (nu e cazul meu anul asta), un ceas e intotdeauna o idee buna! Da, chiar daca mai are vreo 5, tot o sa se bucure de un nou exemplar adaugat colectiei!
  •  Daca avem de-a face cu un impatimit al sporturilor de iarna, optiunile sunt numeroase: snowboard, casca, gogglesi si orice alte maruntisuri mai gasim pe raionul respectiv. Atentie la culori totusi, un cadou care se potriveste de minune cu restul echipamentului sau arata multa atentie si va fi cu siguranta apreciat !
  •  Daca ii place sa gateasca, un set de cutite de cea mai buna calitate il vor surprinde in mod placut. Iar daca intra in bucatarie doar cat sa aduca paharele de vin, un tirbuson nou insotit de o sticla din vinul lui preferat, ii vor fi foarte pe plac!
  •  Daca acel EL pentru care cumperi cadouri nu se incadreaza in niciuna dintre categoriile de mai sus, exista variante potrivite pentru mai toata lumea: o caciula, un fular, pijamale noi sau un set de sosete. Cadouri simple, dar utile si extrem de necesare!
  •  Ar mai fi varianta gift cardului (si gasesti cate unul peste tot). Totusi, acesta nu e un cadou chiar pentru toata lumea: unii il considera perfect, dar altora li se pare mult prea impersonal. Atentie mare, asadar, si incearca sa-i gasestii pe cei din prima categorie!
  •  Sa nu iti fie frica, nu exista cadouri gresite (doar care vor fi redaruite altora, dar chiar si acelea vor face un om fericit la urma urmei :p)! 

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