I was wearing: coat - get it HERE; top - Zara; pants - Vero Moda; shoes - All Shoes; sunglasses - Meli Melo.
Am purtat: palton - il gasiti AICI; bluza - Zara; pantaloni - Vero Moda; pantofi - All Shoes; ochelari de soare - Meli Melo.
En: I think having just graduated, I'm feeling quite nostalgic this fall. I always pictured autumn as the time for new beginnings, which it was - a new school year was the perfect time to start fresh and set goals for myself both in school and on a personal level. I believe as humans we are a constant work in progress and the need to better ourselves should always stick with us and what beter time to challenge that need than fall? On a more shallow note, fall also meant new clothes and new outfit possibilities. And since I already worn you I'm feeling nostalgic, the outfit today is my take on the perfect college look - simple, classy, comfortable and with a twist on the color scheme. I even brought my books to match it!
Ro: Toamna. Cate s-ar putea spune despre ea, cate s-au si spus, de fapt. Dar poate ca e mai bine sa o las in grija poetilor si sa va spun, foarte pe scurt, cateva vorbe despre tinuta de azi. Trebuie sa mentionez ca e o tinuta nascuta din nostalgie (am absolvit de curand) si a fost primul Octombrie fara cursuri si stagii. Asa ca am facut un mic exercitiu de imaginatie - cum m-as fi imbracat daca...? si asta e rezultatul. Asta as fi purtat in prima zi de facultate: simplu, clasic, comod, in roz, negru si visiniu. Linkul pentru paltonul roz se gaseste putin mai sus :)!
awesome!! ;-))
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superba tinuta! Imi place foarte mult paltonul roz pudra!
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Ma bucur mult, presimt ca o sa isi mai faca aparitia pe aici ;)
ȘtergereO tinuta superba! Imi place enorm fiecare item dar si modul cum le-ai imbinat. Cromatic arata excelent!
RăspundețiȘtergereCred ca e una dintre tinutele mele preferate din cele purtate de tine si aratate pe blog/insta.
Ma bucur sa citesc asta :) mi s-a parut o asociere de culori putin mai neobisnuita si am fost foarte multumita si eu de rezultat :D
The time I graduated was the happiest of my life :D I hated Uni :D Yes, I think it's in our nature to try and constantly better ourselves and our understanding of the world. ^^ Love this outfit so much, the pants are gorgeous!
RăspundețiȘtergereI didn't love Uni, either...but I got so used to it after 6 years that it is weird not to attend classes anymore :p Glad you like the look :D
Ștergereimi place mult combinatia cromatica din tinuta ta! f frumosi si pantofii! ;)
Si mie imi place foarte mult asocierea de culori ! Astept noi outfit-uri :)
RăspundețiȘtergereTe pup
Ma bucur ca iti place :) nu prea am avut timp de poze cu noi outfituri, dar recuperez incepand de saptamana viitoare! :*
ȘtergereI like your outfit!
RăspundețiȘtergereGIVEAWAY! Come and win cape Oasap
PS "I Am the One who runs the world. You're here to prepare for Heaven. You cannot make it to the Great Beyond on your own." -Jesus
RăspundețiȘtergere...and I, as a sinfull mortal, help in this symbiotic relationship: take part in this glorious, Christmas gift; this wonderFULL, Heavenly Kingdom that we may live forever. God bless you with discernment.