duminică, 17 august 2014

Run and Buy: Summer Slides

En: They're everywhere. Either the classic Birkenstocks or the more subtle version of summer slides. It took me a while to decide whether I could really walk around in them, but I eventually gave in. Now I can rarely be seen wearing other shoes, so I deicided to put up a list of my favorites, maybe you'll give in, too. Happy shopping!

Ro: Sunt peste tot. Fie clasicii Birkenstock sau vreo reinterpretare de-a lor. Exista toate culorile si toate modelele, pentru orice buget. Mie mi-a luat o vreme sa ma hotarasc daca as putea sa ma incalt asa (cam de vara trecuta cand au inceput timid sa apara in fotografiile de streetstyle), dar, de curand, am cedat. Acum, daca ne intalnim pe strada sigur o sa ma vedeti incaltata in Birkenstock (rar mai port altceva). Mai jos, am alcatuit o lista cu variantele mele preferate, sa stiti unde ii gasiti daca va tenteaza :) Spor la cumparaturi!


3 comentarii:

  1. 7!! These looks really cool ;)
    I'm a beggining blogger, check it out and tell me what you think www.SHAWSY.blogspot.com ;

  2. Love all these! <3


    Greetings from Slovenia, tiny country in Europe :)
