joi, 12 iunie 2014

Going to The Opera?


En: We all have that special occasion with a black tie dress code, where we need to look perfect. It could be a wedding party, our graduation prom or an Opera Ball. It could be anything really, but it would require looking flawless. I believe that these type of events, more than asking for elegancy, test our creativity the most. Evening wear, despite being beautiful, is somewhat predicitble and can easily be foreseen. So how do we reinvent it? Well, there's a number of choices, starting with an unexpected gown, with interesting cuts, maybe classy pants or a delicate jumpsuit and ending with, my take, a skirt and a lace blouse. I love the result and I encourage you to share: how do you make your evening looks a little more interesting?

Ro: Avem cu totii, din cand in cand, evenimente cu codul vestimentar black tie. Poate fi vorba de o nunta, banchetul de absolvire sau Balul Operei. Poate fi orice fel de receptie, dar numitorul comun e eleganta si dorinta fiecarei fete de a arata perfect. Parerea mea este ca acest gen de evenimente ne testeaza cel mai mult creativitatea. O tinuta de seara, cu toate ca e foarte frumoasa, e oarecum prevezibila. Si atunci cum facem sa adaugam ceva neasteptat in lookul nostru? Ei bine, ar fi cateva optiuni, incepand cu o rochie cu taieturi neobisnuite sau intr-o culoare vibranta, o pereche de pantaloni eleganti sau poate chiar o salopeta minimalista si terminand cu, alegerea mea de astazi, o fusta midi si o bluza din dantela. Rezultatul e exact pe placul meu, dar m-as bucura sa citesc si sugestiile voastre: cum alcatuiti o tinuta de seara iesita din comun?



I was wearing: top - Teodora Visinescu, find her at Atelier Vestige; skirt - Choies, get it HERE; sandals - Smiling Shoes, get them HERE; earrings - Meli Melo.
Am purtat: bluza - Teodora Visinescu, o gasiti la Atelier Vestige; fusta - Choies, o gasiti AICI; sandale - Smiling Shoes, le gasiti AICI; cercei - Meli Melo.

Want to see more? Check out My Curly Photography HERE!

8 comentarii:

  1. great skirt <333

    i invite to me too

  2. Fusta, sandalele sunt minunate! Ele pot fi purtate si in tinute casual chic, pentru ca arata pretios, elegant, putem combina si creea tinute fara sa cumparam ceva special pentru un eveniment, dar care sa nu poata fi purtat in timpul zilei. xo

    1. Ma bucur mult ca iti plac, sunt perfect de acord cu tine! :*

  3. Beautiful! I love the top, it's so unique, provocative, interesting!

    1. Thank you, it was impossible to find a match for the skirt so I decided to have it tailor made and I loved the result, too!

  4. Imi place mult tinuta si imi plac foarte mult pozele. Mai putin prima :( pare ca ai mana rupta

  5. So beautiful :) you look fantastic :)
