En: We all know more than we care to admit about staying healthy. So, I won't lecture you on how important exercise is, you are already aware of that. But given that we're mostly talking fashion here on the blog, I think we should approach the running outfit, which may seem obvious, but plays an important part in bringing some workout motivation (at least for me, it does). Having an appropriate, but fresh outfit makes me more impatient about running somehow. Of course trainers are key, no exception here, you need good running shoes! For the rest, it's up to you if you prefer shorts or tights, just remember you can always play with color and for the upper part, I love layers, such as a sports bra peeking from under a loose t-shirt or two tank tops - a racerback under a regular back. And since life (and running) would be too dull without music, a pair of oversized headphones provides entertainment while also being a fashion accessory. Now let's go for a run!
Ro: Stim cu totii mai multe decat ne dam seama despre sanatate. Asa ca nu o sa vrobesc prea mult despre cat e de important sa facem miscare (pentru ca stiti prea bine, ramane doar sa va puneti cunostiintele in practica). In schimb, o sa abordez un alt subiect: cum ne imbracam pentru ora de alergat prin parc? Raspunsul pare evident si totusi exista mai multe variante decat am crede . Evident, trebuie sa fie o tinuta comoda, dar comod nu inseamna urat si cumva, un look interesant si frumos aduce dupa sine mai multa motivatie. Asa ca hai sa incepem cu pantofii sport, care sunt esentiali si trebuie sa fie potriviti pentru alergat, nicio exceptie aici! Restul tinutei, insa, lasa loc de joaca: colanti sau pantaloni scurti in diverse culori, suprapuneri de tricouri sau pur si simplu o bustiera care doar se iveste de sub un top mai lejer si nelipsitele casti supradimensionate, care pe langa faptul ca ne ofera un ritm numai bun de miscare, sunt si un accesoriu colorat. Si acum: hai sa alergam!
I was wearing: t-shirt and tights - Zara; trainers - Adidas; sports bra - Mr. Big; headphones - Sony.
Am purtat: tricou si colanti - Zara; pantofi sport - Adidas; bustiera - Mr. Big; casti - Sony.
It´s always lovely to run and wear a comfortbale, cute and modern outfit ;)