En: It's the weekend and it's a sunny and beautiful day. You're probably stuck at home, either studying or getting some work done. It's definitely something unpleasant and the shining sun isn't helping you focus at all. So drop it! Take a couple of hours for yourself! Take a blanket, prepare a lemonade, grab your favorite book and head to the nearest park in town. That's what I did in these photos and it gave me such an energy boost, it was probably better than 3 cups of coffee! What do you say? Did I sell you on the idea?
Ro: E weekend, e soare, e vara. Tu esti probabil inchis in casa, incercand sa inveti pentru ultima sesiune de anul asta (ultima din viata asta pentru mine) sau poate ti-a ramas ceva treaba nefacuta de la birou. Oricum ar fi, ai de facut ceva neplacut, ceva care nu te lasa sa iesi afara si sa te bucuri de razele soarelui. Asa ca ce-ar fi sa iti abandonezi treaba? Sa iei o patura, sa arunci cateva bucati de lamaie intr-o sticla cu apa, sa pui mana pe prima carte din biblioteca si te indrepti spre cel mai apropiat parc? Sa te bucuri de soare si de mirosul de vara si de toti necunoscutii care trec pe langa tine? Va promit productivitate mult sporita la intoarcere. V-am convins?
I was wearing: blouse - H&M; skirt - Zara; sandals - Calvin Klein; bracelets - H&M and Meli Melo; ring - Saint Laurent.
Am purtat: bluza- H&M; fusta - Zara; sandale - Calvin Klein; bratari - H&M si Meli Melo; inel - Saint Laurent.
Wow, you look beautiful! Love the outfit, the place and the photography too!! xx Eszter
Yay for picnics! The really help to get the stressed hormones out of the system! :D Love this cute bow on the hair!
RăspundețiȘtergereLovely look girl! ;)
RăspundețiȘtergereIsa M., Tic Tac Living
Awesome shooting !! You look great :)
Foarte fain, se pare ca ai avut un weekend frumos. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereSa ai o saptamana la fel de fumoasa!