joi, 26 decembrie 2013


cut-outboots1. River Island black patent cut out boots
2. Asos Astonished cut out ankle boots

En: Yes, I already own a pair of cut out boots, but I got them a little small and thought I'd break them in. I haven't! So, they're rather uncomfortable and with both of the above on sale (for the same price), I really need to get another pair as a late Christmas gift for myself. The only problem is which one? Any answer is highly valued, guys!

Ro: Da, am deja o pereche de ghete cu decupaturi pe lateral, dar mi-am cam gresit marimea cand le-am comandat si desi credeam ca o sa cedeze (si am incercat toate metodele in acest scop), sunt in continuare destul de incomfortabile. Si cum amandoua variantele de mai sus sunt la reducere (cam la acelasi pret), am hotarat ca merit sa imi fac singura un cadou de Craciun. Singura problema e ca nu ma pot hotari...1 sau 2? Orice raspuns e asteptat cu nerabdare si bine primit!

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