En: Although I'm far from being a beauty expert, I have taken a lot more interest in the matter over the past couple of years. I've always been a fan of a more natural look, which for a very long time meant almost no makeup, but with age I've come to understand how it can be a powerful weapon to help enhance your best features. I still keep a rather subtle look most days and get a little playful when it comes to evening makeup. As for the products I use, I try to stay somewhere in the average price range as most of my finaces go towards clothing and accesories (especially shoes and bags, that's a big issue!). I've made a selection of my favorites, but I am also really curious about yours as there's always room for more additions. Any suggestions?
Ro: Chiar daca mai am multe de invatat despre ingrijirea pielli si machiaj, in ultimul an m-am preocupat mult mai mult decat pana acum de acest aspect. Poate ca tine si de faptul ca tenul meu nu mai arata ca la 18 ani cand nu foloseam decat mascara si un gloss; la aproape 25 am inteles ca machiajul e un bun prieten, care scoate in evidenta ce avem mai frumos si ne face sa aratam mereu ingrijite. In cea mai mare parte a zilelor, aleg un look destul de natural si seara incerc sa fiu mai creativa, iar produsele pe care le folosesc sunt din categoria medie de pret, care cred eu ca fac treaba la fel de bine ca cele mult mai scumpe. Totul e sa alegem ce ni se potriveste si asta se obtine experimentand cat mai mult. Sunt curioasa, voi ce produse preferate aveti? Orice sugestii sunt binevenite!
For my face I use: a Clinique Even Better SPF15 foundation and Clinique's airbrush concealer to cover any imperfections, a Rimmel translucent powder and a Rimmel rose blush/
Pentru machiajul fetei folosesc un fond de ten Clinique Even Better si un corector-iluminator tot de la Clinique, o pudra translucida si un blush de la Rimmel.
For my eyes, the basics include a lot of Revlon products: the Grow Luscious mascara, the Colorstay eyeliner and a smokey eye shadow palette, but I also love Rimmel products, especially their Scandal Eyes micro eyeliner/
Pentru ochi, am multe produse Revlon: mascara Grow Luscious, creion khol Colorstay si fardul de pleoape smokey eyes, iar cand vine vorba de tus, Scandal Eyes de la Rimmel e de departe preferatul meu.
Lips favorites are these Astor lip butters, which are a 3 in 1 lipstick, gloss and balm. I have more of these in shades called Loved Up or Hug me, so you gotta love 'em:
Preferatele mele pentru buze sunt aceste creioane-ruj de la Astor, care sunt un ruj, gloss si balsam in acelasi produs si au niste nuante cu nume adorabile, precum Loved Up sau Hug Me.
I also own a few lipsticks by Clinique (in Chainti or Raspberry Glace) and a lot of Rimmel ones, my favorite shades being the purple "Cutting Edge" and the red "Temptation"/
Iar pentru zilele cand vreau o culoare mai intensa pe buze, am cateva rujuri preferate - Clnique (nuantele Raspeberry Glace sau Chianti) si Rimmel (Cutting Edge sau Temptation).
Makeup brushes are a must and I currently use a Bobbi Brown natural hair set, which I store in a glass filled with scented sand so that stay perfectly separated and don't touch each other/
Un set de pensule de machiaj e indispensabil, ale mele sunt din par natural, de la Bobbi Brown si le tin intr-un pahar umplut cu nisip parfumat, ca sa stea drepte si sa nu se atinga intre ele.
No beauty post would be complete without talking about perfume. Out of everything I have tried, my current top 3 is: Guerlain's La Petite Robe Noir, Dior Addict and Ricci Ricci by Nina Ricci/
Nicio postare despre frumusete nu ar fi completa fara sa vorbim despre parfum. Dintre tot ce am incercat de-alungul timpului, in top 3 sunt: La Petite Robe Noir de la Guerlain, Dior Addict si Ricci Ricci de la Niana Ricci.