En: I never knew how to describe my style as it's really flexible. Of course I'm influenced by trends (although I say to myself I dress according to my mood; let's be honest, we don't leave on the moon - we see things and we want things). However, lately, I've been gravitating more and more towards minimalism (must be getting old or something). So, with a few photos as proof, I've put up a list of tips on how to achieve a minimalistic look:
1. Material quality is everything. Start from here when you go shopping and you'll see a big improvement.
2. Careful on colors: black and white are absolutely neccesary, but you can also add a lot of beige, gray, baby blue or burgundy. Not in the same look, of course! Maximum three colors per look.
3. Accessories should be reduced to a minimum, one statement piece is more than enough, whether it's a necklace, earrings or a big ring.
4. Careful on the shoes. A minimalistic outfit looks best with delicate strappy sandals or stilettos as it makes it look sophisticated. But if you're the comfy type, one of the it shoes of the season could help, too: Birkenstocks or slip ons.
5. Last but not least (and this one is the hardest), watch your shopping! Don't let yourself distracted by sales or outlets selling cute little dresses or tops that are not really your style. Stick to your simple lines and every once in a while, splurge on something unusual as a structured jacket or a perfectly tailored dress!
Ro: Niciodata nu am stiut cum sa imi decriu stilul. Asta pentru ca e destul de flexibil. Si desi ma mint singura ca ma imbrac doar in concordonta cu starea mea de spirit, adevarul e ca sunt influentata si de trenduri (presupun ca e normal daca tot vedem unele lucruri sa incepem sa ni le dorim). Totusi, in ultima perioada, m-am indreptat tot mai mut in directia minimalismului (o fi varsta? sau viata mult prea agitata?) si m-am gandit sa fac o lista de sugestii pentru a obtine un look minimalist chic:
1. Materialele de cea mai buna calitate stau la baza unei tinute minimaliste reusite. Daca incepeti sa inlocuiti poliesterul cu bumbac 100%, bumbac satinat sau matase, veti observa o mare diferenta.
2. Atentie la culori: minimalism inseamna mult alb si negru, dar la fel de bine poate insemna bej, gri, albastru deschis, bleumarin sau visiniu. Nu toate in aceeasi tinuta, desigur! Maxim 3 culori/look.
3. Accesoriile trebuie reduse la minim, o singura piesa care atrage atentia e suficient, fie ca este vorba despre un colier masiv, o pereche de cercei sau un inel oversized. La fel de bine puteti opta pentru bijuterii extrem de discrete, caz in care se accepta mai multe.
4. Atentie la pantofi. Pantofii stiletto arata cel mai chic la un outfit minimalist. Dar daca preferati confortul, puteti opta pentru pantofi cu talpa joasa, de exemplu Birkenstocks sau espadrile.
5. Ultima mea sugestie (si cea care imi da cele mai mari batai de cap): aveti grija ce cumparati! Reducerile sunt tentante, exista prea multe outleturi cu preturi imbatabile si mereu gasim cate o rochita draguta care ne striga "Ia-ma acasa!". Totusi, daca incercati sa va construiti o garderoba functionala si coerenta, incercati sa rezistati tentatiilor de genul acesta. Mai profitabil ar fi sa investiti, din cand in cand, intr-o piesa interesanta, precum o jacheta structurata care nu se va demoda niciodata sau o rochie cu un croi impecabil.
Acesta e micul meu ghid, sper sa ne fie de folos (cred ca o sa il recitesc si eu ori de cate ori ma pregatesc de o sesiune de cumparaturi :))!

Ai un stil foarte dragut, simplu dar stylish :)
multumesc mult :)!
ȘtergereI really admire your minimalistic looks. You managed to pull them off so effortlessly, they look quite creative and not boring like most other outfits I've seen on other blogs! I suck at minimalism, thank you for the tips ^_^
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks, that's what I'm most afraid of: looking boring! So, I was really happy to read your comment! Also glad you liked my tips although you don't need any, your style is so well defined and...awesome :D Kisses!
ȘtergereBonitos looks. Besos
RăspundețiȘtergereLooks amazing! Great blog you have! keep up the good work!
this is really amazing outfit.. you look beautiful
RăspundețiȘtergereCelebrities Leather Jackets
Love this <3
RăspundețiȘtergere| My Blog | Pinterest | Google+ |
Imi place stilul tau si sfaturile tale sunt foarte bune, ai dreptate si cu sezonul de reduceri, avem tendinta sa luam lucruri de care de fapt nu avem nevoie.
Wow – love this looks! You look absolutly stunning and your hair is amazing!
RăspundețiȘtergereWould wear the outfits, too and I want all the products in my closet!
I’m following you via gfc & look forward for your next post. You’re great – keep going! ♥
Adoorablee.blogspot.com ♥
Dragut mod de a scrie iar outfiturile sunt foarte frumoase. Cromatic imi place mult .