En: Whenever I'm stuck at home studying for exams, my mind takes refuge in making wishlists and DIYs. Well, mostly making wishlists and then looking for those items online. And this month the mentioned list includes a harness skirt, a new trench coat and a pair of Valentino inspired flats. The online shop www.persunmall.com came to my rescue with all of these at extremely affordable prices, you can check it out yourselves with the links below!
Ro: Nu stiu cum se face, dar ori de cate ori se apropie examenele si stau acasa invatand, mintea mea incepe sa hoinareasca pe taramul modei mai mult ca oricand. E perioada cand fac fel de fel de liste virtuale de cumparaturi, incerc sa imi reorganizez garderoba, ma gandesc la noi proiecte DIY (am si gasit unul extrem de simplu si dragut). Ce se gaseste pe lista mea virtuala de cumparaturi? Printre altele, o fusta neobisnuita cu curele, un trenci bej si o pereche de balerini inspirati de celebrii Valentino. Unde le-am gasit pe toate? Pe www.persunmall.com la un pret extrem de accesibil. Gasiti linkurile mai jos!
1.Graffiti Letters T-shirt
2.Irregular Chiffon Coat
3.Zipper Slim Leather Jacket
4.Chiffon Pleated Skort
5.Pink Ankle Strap Flats
6.Crochet Lace Embroided Skort
7.Cool Straps Harness Skirt
Also, I think it's great to know that PersunMall now offers NEW customers 15% DISCOUNT off on all orders!!!
What's more, if a new customer likes their official Facebook Page first (HERE) , he/she can get 20% off on the first order and get 10% off on all orders afterwards forever!
Lovely sets!
RăspundețiȘtergereMoscow blogger by Marina Maximova
2,3,7 foarte dragute
RăspundețiȘtergere1,2,3 my faves! Tricoul e foarte tare iar paltonasul/blazerul de la nr 2 are o culoare si un model superb!