vineri, 30 ianuarie 2015



En: In bed. Really sick. Just the flu. But too sick to use real sentences. Hope you like this look. This dress was a steal. I wear it a lot. Both around the house and under sweaters and cardigans. Hope I get better soon. Hope you find some inspiration in this post!

Ro: In pat. Bolnava. Prea greu sa alcatuiesc propozitii coerente. Sper ca va plac tinutele in multe straturi. Rochia asta e perfecta. Si a fost un chilipir. 40 RON. Reduceri. Sper sa ma refac curand. Sper ca va plac fotografiile de azi!


I was wearing: coat - Otto Hermann; dress - H&M; cardigan - Zara; belt - Meli Melo; boots - Steve Madde.
Am purtat: palton - Otoo Hermann; rochie - H&M; cardigan - Zara; curea - Meli Melo; botine - Steve Madden.

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2015

To the Rescue!


En: This hat comes to my rescue yet another time. You know, dark roots already showing and no time for the hair salon - usual girl drama! But let us not divert too much from the topic of my outfit: classical coat, high waisted jeans and over the knee boots; I was looking for comfort yesterday and it was an accomplished mission. Have a great Sunday everyone, I'll be spending mine in pijamas as I've been dreaming of a relaxing weekend all through the week! :)

Ro: In urma cu aproximativ 3 ani nu aveam nici macar o palarie. Acum am doua cutii albe, rotunde, facute la comanda, care ascund cate 3 palarii fiecare. Preferata mea ramane cea din imagini, un cadou foarte atent si foarte frumos (si perfect ca sa imi ascund eu radacinile nevopsite :)). Am tanjit dupa un weekend relaxant toata saptamana, asa ca tinuta mea de ieri e una extrem de comoda: palton clasic, jeansi cu talie inalta si cizme joase, fara pic de toc. Astazi planuiesc o zi intreaga in pijamale si cred ca asa o sa reusesc sa infrunt ziua de luni cu mai mult curaj. O duminica minunata va doresc!


I was wearing: coat - Stradivarius (old); top - Massimo Dutti; jeans and hat - Zara; boots and backpack - Steve Madden bought on
Am purtat: palton - Stradivarius; bluza - Massimo Dutti; jeansi si palarie - Zara; cizme si rucsac - Steve Madden de pe

miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2015

OTK Boots?

En: I don't know about you, but I've been searching for a good pair of over-the-knee boots forever. And I've come across a few, but none were even close to budget friendly. So, if you're anything like me (anxiously looking for a pair, but don't feel like splurging), I highly recommend you click on these links - I went for no. 2 and can't wait for them to arrive!

Ro: Cizmele peste genunchi - le tot caut de ceva vreme, dar nu a fost usor sa gasesc o pereche care sa fie suficient de frumoase, dar sa nu am nevoie de credit de nevoi personale pentru ele. Luna ianuarie cu nelipsitele sale reduceri m-a salvat, insa. Daca esti si tu intr-o situatie asemanatoare, un click pe oricare din linkurile de mai sus si ai rezolvat problema. Eu am ales perechea numarul 2 si promit multe fotografii de indata ce ajung!

miercuri, 14 ianuarie 2015

Not 50 Shades of Grey


En: Only about 4. Shades of Grey. I know some people prefer to brighten up gloomy days with colorful outfits, but it's obviously not my case, I chose to play the monochromatic, weather friendly, card. Still, I hope you find some inspiration in this look as I'll be short with my writing today - my job is amazing, but exhausting, so I'll go catch up on some much needed sleep right now!

Ro: Gri. Vreo 4 tonuri diferite pentru ca am de unde (imi place si imi tot cumpar, n-ai ce-i face!). Stiu ca as fi putut sa ma razvratesc impotriva vremii si sa incerc sa fortez soarele cu un outfit colorat, dar m-a tentat mai mult ideea de a ma incadra perfect in decor. Sper sa gasiti putintica inspiratie in tinuta asta; mai multe nu spun, sunt zgarcita cu vorbele pentru ca mi-am propus un somn de peste 8 ore in noaptea asta, ceea ce inseamna ca ar trebui sa ma retrag cam...acum!


I was wearing: coat, skirt and shoes - Zara; sweater - Minim; scarf - can't remember?!
Am purtat: palton, fusta si botine - Zara; pulover - Minim; esarfa - primita cadou, nu imi amintesc de unde?!

marți, 6 ianuarie 2015

January Wishlist


4. Black High Waist Belt Pleated Skirt

En: New Year doesn't always mean New Me, but it definitely means new clothes. Especially with the sales popping up everywhere. I know I can't resist them, so I put together a (small) absolutely random wishlist of things I could make room in my closet for. Happy shopping!

Ro: Poate ca noul an nu inseamna neaparat schimbare pentru toata lumea, dar da-mi voie sa presupun ca inseamna o garderoba innoita. Nu atat din cauza inceputului de an, ci mai mult din cauza reducerilor care ne asalteaza online si offline deopotriva. Eu una sunt o victima sigura, mi-am si alcatuit wishlist-ul, iar daca ceva va face cu ochiul, dati un click :)

duminică, 4 ianuarie 2015

It's 2015!


En: Happy New Year! May 2015 be everything you expect it to be! For me, it will be one hell of a year, overflowing with major life changes (I'll start working tomorrow, I'll get married in 6 months and there's a lot more to come, bu I'll tackle it one challenge at a time). These photos have been waiting for over a week now, but I couldn't get around to posting them (the very busy Holiday season kept me away from my computer - as it should). I hope you like the scenery as much as I did - it's the hystorical Alba Iulia during Christmas time and my red and white outfit seemed most appropriate!

Ro: E 4.01. 2015. As putea sa scriu multe, dar cred ca daca spun " Un 2015 perfect!" rezum toate urarile de bine in doar 3 cuvinte. Pentru mine se anunta un an cel putin interesnt - maine incep sa lucrez ca medic rezident (emotii, emotii, nod in stomac...), in aproximativ 6 luni vine si nunta (emotii, si mai mari emotii...) si cine mai stie cate alte aventuri neasteptate o sa imi aduca acest an?! O sa iau provocarile pe rand si sper ca la sfarsitul celor 12 luni, sa pot afirma ca 2015 a fost cel mai bun an din viata mea - asta e singura mea rezolutie (o nimica toata :D). Fotografiile de astazi asteapta cuminti, de mai bine de o saptamana, sa fie postate - locatia e Cetatea Alba Iulia, un loc foarte drag mie (si foarte fotogenic), iar tinuta in nuante de rosu si alb nu e tocmai ce port zi de zi, dar cu tot Spiritul Sarbatorilor, mi s-a parut extrem de potrivita!


I was wearing: coat - HERE; faux fur collar - H&M; everything else - Zara.
Am purtat: palton - AICI; guler blana - H&M; restul (bluza, colier, pantaloni, botine) - Zara.