luni, 20 iulie 2015

A Fresh Start!

Hi everyone! Long time, no see (talk), but a lot has happened. Most importnalty, I started a new page: that's a better fit for me and my idea of a blog at the moment. From now on, all of my outfit photos and my usual bla-bla-bla can be found over there, alongside other new articles. Would mean a lot if you checked it out and maybe follow?!

luni, 23 martie 2015

Such a Geek!


En: I found this blazer in a thrift shop and couldn't wait to wear it in a preppy, school girl look. Since the blazer is quite short, I figured high waisted jeans would be best for the bottom part and a shirt stolen from my boyfriend's closet completed the look. When I'm out of ideas (or money for new clothes), I love to search his closet for new pieces - I always find something to borrow (and never give back). Do you also do this? If not, I think you definitely should!


I was wearing: blazer - thrifted; shirt - Zara Men; jeans - Zara; shoes - All Shoes; bag - Michael Kors.

joi, 19 martie 2015

Interiors: A Touch of Vintage


En: Lately, I rediscovered my love for interior design, so here's a new post on the topic of redecorating. As in fashion, there are also trends in terms of interiors and one of them (which I love at the moment) is incorporating vintage pieces into your space. Some easy tips on how to do this:
1. A vintage chair/armchair/sofa instantly brings a touch of sophistication.
2. Why bother changing the floors or repainting your walls? The "unfinished" look is really fresh - you could even have an exposed brick wall (I know I want one for my future home).
3. I'm sure your grandma has a really old table for the dining room. You could re-think your eating space around it, just by adding some old water bottles as vases and some metal chairs.
4. Vintage suitcases on top of one another could make for a really cool nigthstand.
5. Metal bed frames, especially white ones, are really making a comeback so why not resurrect your bedroom with one? Maybe even add lots of floral pillows for a shabby chic vibe!
Now I'm gonna let you enjoy the photos and I can only hope you found these small tips useful!


All photos via my Pinterest - HERE

duminică, 15 martie 2015



En: So I'm back from my vacation, feeling really relaxed and excited for spring. Where is it, you ask? I have no idea, but that won't stop me from wearing a mini shirt-dress and a leather jacket; I did wear tights, so I find my outfit perfectly acceptable. Also, my messy hair shows excatly how relaxed (read super lazy) I am these days. If you like my shirt, there's a direct link at the end of this post!

Ro: Ne-am intors din vacanta foarte relaxati si entuziasmati de venirea primaverii. Ne-am intors destul de siguri ca la Cluj ne astepta sorele si cel putin 15 grade. Ne-am inselat. Dar cum eram pregatita sa renunt la paltoane, mi-am scos jacheta de piele la plimbare oricum. Nu mi-a fost tocmai cald, dar ce mai conteaza? Nu-i asa ca e frumoasa jacehta :)?


I was wearing: jacket - Mango; shirt - HERE ; boots - Stradivarius.
Am purtat: jacheta - Mango; camasa - AICI; cizme - Stradivarius.

joi, 26 februarie 2015

Thinking of Pastels


En: I only got colorful, girly outfits on my mind these days. I guess it shows. And this is only first of many to come in the near future. Well, not so near since we're going on a ski trip tomorrow and I'll probably be absent for over a week. It's just how I see vacations: no work, as little internet as possible (no internet would be a lie, I'm not even trying to fool myself) and a lot of fun on the slopes. See you soon with some vacation photos!

Ro: Sunt intr-o faza destul de girly zilele astea. Din punct de vedere vestimentar cel putin. Si, evident, asta se observa cu usurinta si in fotografiile de azi - prima din multele tinute de primavara care urmeaza. Dar inainte de asta, o bine meritata vacanta la ski care incepe maine si in care laptopul ramane acasa. Astept cu nerabdare sa ma deconectez si sa ne vedem peste o saptamana cu un mic jurnal de vacanta!


I was wearing: coat -; sweater -Massimo Dutti; skirt - H&M; shoes - Nike, bag - Love Moschino boght on
Am purtat: palton -; pulover - Massimo Dutti; fusta - H&M; tenisi - Nike; geanta - Love Moschino cumparata de pe

duminică, 22 februarie 2015

Plaid over Everything


En: I already mentioned how sick I get of winter every February. It's mostly because I get sick of wearing the same coats on repeat over and over again. So for today I chose to hide most of this camel coat with the help of an oversized plaid scarf. I like how they go together and, also, it's about the only scarf I got left (besides my fur scarf I wore in a previous post) after yet another closet clean out. I guess it's acceptable to reorganize my wardrobe every two months? Clutter does not allow me to think straight or get creative with my looks so How about you? How often do you get yourself to ditch clothes you no longer get enough wear out of?

Ro: Am spus deja ca luna Februarie nu e preferata mea. Ma repet doar pentru a-mi justifica tinuta: cum mi-a cam ajuns tot cu aceleasi paltoane, astept cu nerabdare sa le ascund intr-un dulap pana prin Noiembrie si sa ies la plimbare intr-un trenci sau intr-o jacheta din denim. Asta mi-as dori, dar cum nu se poate deocamdata, am ales sa imi ascund paltonul sub o esarfa oversized (una dintre putinele care mi-a ramas). Am o problema (mai multe de fapt, dar nu vrem sa intram in astfel de detalii) cu ordinea (indeosebi in garderoba) si la fiecare 2 luni (maxim!) simt nevoie sa reorganizez/rearanjez/renunt la haine pe care nu le port indeajuns. Sunt curioasa la tine cum e? Cam cat de des reusesti sa faci ordinde in dulap? Si de cate ori pe an crezi ca e normala aceasta curatenie?


I was wearing: coat - Otto Hermann; plaid scarf - Kenvelo; jeans - vintage Levi's; boots - Calvin Klein bought on
Am purtat: palton - Otto Hermann; fular - Kenvelo; blugi - Levi's vintage; botine - Calvin Klein cumparate de pe

marți, 17 februarie 2015

The Panther


En: This faux fur coat was a life saver this winter (well, it's black, so of course it was a no brainer over every possible outfit). For the rest of the look, I'm wearing clohes I've had for years (read about 3 years for the black panther sweatshirt and about 5 years for the jeans). I think I'm done with trying to create new and interesting outfits for cold weather, so I just go for comfort. Spring, I'm ready for you!

Ro: Nu prea-mi place luna februarie. Numar zilele ramase pana pe 1 martie pentru ca in mintea mea atunci incepe primavara (chiar daca temperaturile de afara se incapataneaza sa nu imi dea dreptate). Ca urmare, tinutele mele sunt extrem de simple si confortabile zilele astea: haine pe care le am inca din primii ani de facultate (jeansii din poze au mai bine de 5 ani de cand s-au instalat la mine-n garderoba), extrem de comode, in culori terne. Cred ca asta inseamna ca sunt pregatita pentru primavara?


I was wearing: coat - New Look; sweatshirt - Pull&Bear; jeans - Mango; boots - Mihaela Glavan bought on; sunglasses - Zara.
Am purtat: palton - New Look; bluza - Pull&Bear; jeansi - Mango; botine - Mihaela Glavan de pe; ochelari de soare - Zara.

luni, 9 februarie 2015

A Flowey Kind of Winter


En: It snowed heavily this weekend and we took advantage of it as if we were little children, excited to play in the soft, white snow. Of course my outfit is anything but weather appropriate, but you should already know that by now: I only dress according to my mood (and end up freezing quite often). I really miseed wearing these floral shorts and they really brightened up the day so I put up with the cold. Wear whatever you want, whenever you want it (with a sense of decency, of course), it feels great to break the routine!

Ro: A nins puternic la Cluj in acest weekend. Ne-am trezit duminica dimineata acoperiti de nameti si am redevenit copii pentru cateva ore - nu puteam sta in acasa, zapada pufoasa era prea ispititoare. Bineinteles ca nu m-am imbracat deloc potrivit pentru o plimbare prin zapada, dar mi-era tare dor sa port haine cu imprimeuri primavaratice (macar pe sub palton daca altfel nu se poate). Tinuta mi-a inseninat ziua asa ca ma gandesc sa o repet curand: dresurile de 100 den fac frigul tolerabil si starea mea de spirit e cea mai importanta!


I was wearing: coat - Esprit; top and faux fur scarf - H&M; shorts - Depot 96; boots - BBup; bag - Love Moschino bought on
Am purtat: palton - Esprit; bluza si fular - H&M; pantaloni scurti - Depot 96; botine - BBup; geanta - Love Moschino cumparata de pe