duminică, 22 februarie 2015

Plaid over Everything


En: I already mentioned how sick I get of winter every February. It's mostly because I get sick of wearing the same coats on repeat over and over again. So for today I chose to hide most of this camel coat with the help of an oversized plaid scarf. I like how they go together and, also, it's about the only scarf I got left (besides my fur scarf I wore in a previous post) after yet another closet clean out. I guess it's acceptable to reorganize my wardrobe every two months? Clutter does not allow me to think straight or get creative with my looks so I...de-clutter. How about you? How often do you get yourself to ditch clothes you no longer get enough wear out of?

Ro: Am spus deja ca luna Februarie nu e preferata mea. Ma repet doar pentru a-mi justifica tinuta: cum mi-a cam ajuns tot cu aceleasi paltoane, astept cu nerabdare sa le ascund intr-un dulap pana prin Noiembrie si sa ies la plimbare intr-un trenci sau intr-o jacheta din denim. Asta mi-as dori, dar cum nu se poate deocamdata, am ales sa imi ascund paltonul sub o esarfa oversized (una dintre putinele care mi-a ramas). Am o problema (mai multe de fapt, dar nu vrem sa intram in astfel de detalii) cu ordinea (indeosebi in garderoba) si la fiecare 2 luni (maxim!) simt nevoie sa reorganizez/rearanjez/renunt la haine pe care nu le port indeajuns. Sunt curioasa la tine cum e? Cam cat de des reusesti sa faci ordinde in dulap? Si de cate ori pe an crezi ca e normala aceasta curatenie?


I was wearing: coat - Otto Hermann; plaid scarf - Kenvelo; jeans - vintage Levi's; boots - Calvin Klein bought on www.fashiondays.ro
Am purtat: palton - Otto Hermann; fular - Kenvelo; blugi - Levi's vintage; botine - Calvin Klein cumparate de pe www.fashiondays.ro

11 comentarii:

  1. so great ;-)

    new post


  2. Honestly thought these were photos from a magazine! Xxx you look stunning as always and loving the pattern of the coat :D xxx I have a jack wills one similar xx Check out my new blog post! I'm in need of some followers, thank you! X http://xbeyoutifulx.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Wow, thank you, i'm really glad you like this post!

  3. I’m in love with your blog! Interesting posts, beautiful photos & design! It’s really amazing!
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    Diana Cloudlet

    1. I'm really happy to read this, I'll surely check out your blog soon, too!
