vineri, 28 martie 2014

Leather and Denim


En: I remember there was a time when leather leggings or skirts were considered a really bold thing to wear. At least by me they were. Now they're everywhere. We could even say leather is the new denim, the cooler denim if you want. But what happens when we mix these two classisc? Match made in heaven I say! And with some shades of beige and maybe a little white peeking from undeneath, could casual dressing get any better?

Ro: Imi amintesc ca in urma cu cativa ani (probabil in primul an de facultate cand stilul meu personal era departe de maturitate, mai departe decat acum in orice caz :p), pantalonii din piele mi se pareau o alegere extrem de indrazneata. Cu siguranta prea indrazneata pentru mine. Dar asa cum mi s-a intamplat de prea multe ori, am decis la un moment dat sa le dau o sansa si de atunci au devenit o piesa de baza in garderoba mea. Cand vreau o tinuta chic cu zero efort, ma salveaza pantalonii din piele. I-am purtat cu cizme, tenisi, pantofi stiletto sau sandale si inca nu am gasit ceva cu care sa nu se potriveasca. Azi am decis sa ii port cu o alta piesa clasica - jacheta din denim. Si cum negru - albastru- bej e combinatia mea cromatica salvatoare (VEZI AICI), puloverul si pantofii i-am ales aproape fara sa ma gandesc. Voi de ce nu v-ati putea desparti? Ce obiect vestimentar va scoate mereu din impas?


I was wearing: jacket - Zara (SIMILAR); leather leggings - H&M (SIMILAR); sweater - Massimo Dutti (SIMILAR) ; shirt - vintage D&G; shoes - Aldo; sunglasses - Ray Ban Clubmaster.
Am purtat: jacheta - Zara (SIMILARA); colanti piele ecologica - H&M (SIMILARI); pulover - Massimo Dutti (SIMILAR); camasa - D&G vintage; pantofi - Aldo; ochelari de soare - Ray Ban Clubmaster.

marți, 25 martie 2014

It's a...Dress!


En: There's just something about white dresses that instantly draws my attention. And if they have long sleeves and an interesting shape, I'm totally sold. This was exactly the case with today's look. Love at first sight, a few weeks of waiting for it to arrive and extreme joy when I opened the package, surprised by how pretty it is. And the fabric? Another reason to smile, 100% cotton! If you'd like to get your own, you can find the link at the end of this post. Happy shopping!

Ro: E ceva la o rochie alba care imi atrage atentia instant. Daca se nimereste sa aiba si maneci lungi si o forma neobisnuita, a mea trebuie sa fie. Cam asta s-a inamplat si cu rochia din fotografii. Dragoste la prima vedere, cateva saptamani de asteptat si mult entuziasm cand am dechis coletul. Pe langa cat e de frumoasa, am constatat si ca e facuta din 100% bumbac! Daca va place si voua, gasiti linkul la sfarsitul acestei postari. Spor la cumparaturi!


I was wearing: dress - GET IT HERE; shoes - All Shoes; watch - Michael Kors.
Am purtat: rochie - O GASITI AICI; pantofi - All Shoes; ceas - Michael Kors.

joi, 20 martie 2014

Crush: Love Moschino Mini Brown Crossbody Bag


En: Hi, my name is Anca and I'm total bag junkie. And by that I mean I'd be capable of spending my last penny on a new bag when a good deal reveals itself, I fantasize about my new purchase for days and ultimately, I plan a new acquisition when I get tired of it. A mini brown bag was on my list for ages (after getting my beloved Michael Kors black bag). Actually, this particular Moschino was the one I was dreaming about after I had seen it on The campaigns on the website change everyday, but eventually some products get featured again (case in point). So, after two months of patience, now I'm its proud (and broke) owner!

Ro: Cred ca am o problema cu gentile. Nu. Chiar am o problema cu gentile. Niciun alt lucru (de imbracat zic) nu ma face sa fiu mai putin chibzuita decat posibilitatea de a avea o geanta noua. Cam asa s-a intamplat si cu exemplarul din fotografii: am zarit-o pe, am incercat sa ma conving singura ca nu am nevoie de ea, am rezistat eroic pana s-a terminat campania si mi-am petrecut urmatoarele 2 luni gandindu-ma cat de trebuincioasa mi-ar fi fost. In tot acest timp, zi de zi cu ochii pe site pana ce au reluat campania Love Moschino (cam asa functioneaza site-ul, campaniile sunt reluate la anumite intervale de timp). Cum s-o mai ratez si a doua oara? Mai ales ca o geanta mica, maro era singura care imi lipsea (dupa ce la sfarsitul anului trecut am gasit aceasta geanta neagra Michael Kors). Acum colectia de genti e aproape completa si sper ca Fashion Days sa nu imi mai ofere astfel de tentatii prea curand...

marți, 18 martie 2014

Get the Look: Monochrome Burgundy


En: I'm crushing really hard on this look. I find it so refreshing and spring appropriate! And it totally makes me wanna buy a new hat, which, as I've previously stated, may not be the best idea for me! If you like it, too, find the links below:

Ro: Cam asa visez sa ma imbrac primavara asta! Tinuta monocroma, dar nu intr-o culoare plictisitoare, cu un plic supradimensionat si o palarie cu boruri largi! In caz ca va face si voua cu ochiul, gasiti linkurile pentru reinterpretarea tinutei mai jos:


duminică, 16 martie 2014

A Chunky Sweater Is All You Need


En: I love seing other girls wearing hats or caps or turbans or any other kind of head accessory. So, obviously, throughout time, I bought some for myself. But somehow, most days, I find myself leaving the house without them. Probably because I hate going over the top with my looks, especially lately (I think I'm in an extreme minimalistic phase) and wearing any kind of head gear makes me feel a little awkward. Well, since perseverance is definitely one of my strenghts and when I look at photos of me wearing hats I get all excited, every once in a while I push myself towards putting a hat on. Just like in today's look, which is a really comfortable suggestion for spring. Going out without a jacket felt really nice and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Ro: Cred ca toti avem haine, pantofi sau alte accesorii pe care ne place sa le privim, dar nu sa le si purtam. Mai mult, ne place sa le vedem la altii si le admiram tinuta, dar credem ca noi am arata ridicol imbracati asa. Pentru mine, asta se intampla mai mereu ce palariile: intorc capul dupa orice fata cu palarie, ador sa le incerc, chiar sa mi le cumpar, dar ma simt oarecum ciudat cand le port. Imi dau sentimentul de prea mult, ca am exagerat cu tinuta mea si ca am iesit din liniile simplitatii pe care am inceput sa o iubesc. Totusi, cand ma uit la fotografii (si ma entuziazmez pentru ca imi place ce vad), constientizez ca o palarie nu face decat sa completeze perfect unele tinute. Asa ca mi-am propus sa ma straduiesc mai mult in perioada care urmeaza (perseverenta nu imi lipseste deloc, deci nu ar trebui sa fie prea greu) si primavara asta o sa imi scot rand pe rand toate palariile/sepcile/esarfele la plimbare. Va incurajez sa faceti la fel si sa indrazniti mai mult!


I was wearing: sweater - Zara (SIMILAR); jeansi - Zara (HERE); cap - H&M (SIMILAR); sneakers - Converse; sunglasses - Asos (SIMILAR)
Am purtat: pulover - Zara (SIMILAR); jeansi - Zara (AICI); sapca - H&M (SIMILARA); tenisi - Converse; ochelari de soare - Asos (SIMILARI)


vineri, 14 martie 2014

March Wishlist


En: March is one of my favorite months of the year. No surprise there since Spring is the season that I love the most (don't we all?) and it's the time when I feel an overflow of energy and creativity. It's also the month when I'm rethinking my wardrobe (and I'm pretty much obsessed with organizing) and I make new wishlists for the months to come (another obsession of mine), which always include florals and some new outerwear. The new online shop has come to my resue this time with some wonderful fresh pieces at affordable prices and if you're feeling the urge to improve your Spring wardrobe too, you can find the links below!

Ro: Martie e una dintre lunile mele preferate, asta dupa aprilie si mai, luna in care m-am nascut. Mai are rost sa spun ca primavara e anotimpul meu preferat? Exista vreun om caruia nu ii place sa fie rasfatat de razele soarelui? Si renuntatul la patoane si ghete in locul trenciurilor si balerinilor? Exista ceva mai placut din punct de vedere vestimentar? Pentru mine, nu, mai ales ca primavara marcheaza si o reorganizare a garderobei (si eu sunt putin obsedata de ordine si organizare) si facutul unei noi liste de dorinte pentru lunile care vin (alta mica obsesie de-a mea). Lista inainte mentionata include intotdeauna imprimeuri florale si cel putin o jacheta noua, iar la noul magazin online am reusit sa le gasesc pe toate la preturi extrem de avantajoase. Daca si voi va doriti noi achizitii numai bune de primavara, gasiti linkurile mai jos!

1.Round Neckline Long Sleeve T-shirt
2.Long Sleeves Floral Blazer
3.Preppy Floral Skirt
4.Zipper PU Mini Skirt
5.Elegant Double-brasted Turndown Collar Trench Coat

sâmbătă, 8 martie 2014

On Top of The World


En: Happy women's days, beautiful readers! Today I'll keep it short, I'm trying to enjoy this beautiful day and this cloudless sky. Dressed entirely in white, with no coat or socks, I feel like spring has definitely arrived!

Ro: La multi ani, dragi cititoare! Azi o sa fiu foarte scurta, incerc sa ma bucur cat mai mult de soarele de afara si de faptul ca am putut sa ies fara palton sau sosete. Am mai purtat tinute all white si in mijlocul iernii, dar parca nu erau nici pe jumatate la fel de frumoase ca cea de azi. Sa fie cerul albastru fara pic de nor de vina?


I was wearing: top - thrifted Gina Tricot (SIMILAR); jeans - Zara (HERE); sneakers - Nike (SIMILAR); sunglasses - Ray Ban.
Am purtat: bluza - Gina Tricot SH (ASEMANATOARE); jeansi - Zara (AICI); tenisi - Nike (ASEMANATORI); ochelari de soare - Ray Ban.

sâmbătă, 1 martie 2014

A Color Game


En: Besides gray and black, burgundy pants are also a must to me. But sadly I ruined my favorite pair (don't ask how) and I found myself desperately missing them while trying to put outfits together. So I started to look for a replacement (I was thinking faux leather burgundy) but with me being the extremely picky shopper that I am, it proved impossible to find the perfect fit anywhere (we're talking skinny pants here, every average sized girl must know how challenging that can be). That is till yesterday when I found this Vero Moda pair on sale. Now the next thing is to make up for the lost time by wearing them nonstop for a few days. I already started with this burgundy-navy-beige combination that is always a winner palette in my book!

Ro: In timp ce scriu aceste randuri, ar trebui sa ma pregatesc de plecare. Nu m-am hotarat inca cu ce ma imbrac (probabil tot cu pantalonii din poze), nu mi-am facut bagajul si nici macar nu am luat micul dejun. Dar eram prea nerabdatoare sa postez aceste fotografii ca sa mai astept pana maine seara cand ne intoarcem de la Alba Iulia. Pantalonii burgundy sunt cea mai recenta achizitie, ii cautam de vreo 3 luni, de cand mi-am distrus perechea preferata (nu intrebati cum). Am cautat mai intai un model skinny, preferabil din piele ecologica, dar mi-a fost imposibil sa gasesc croiala potrivita pentru mine asa ca, ieri, cand am dat peste perechea asta Vero Moda la pretul de 25?! lei nu am mai stat deloc pe ganduri. Am ales sa ii port cu un pulover in acelasi ton si nuante de albastru si bej - o combinatie mereu potrivita si eleganta, dupa parerea mea. Si acum am plecat, un weekend minunat va doresc!


I was wearing: trench coat - HLN (Similar); sweater - Minimum; shirt - vintage; pants - Vero Moda (Similar) ; shoes - Lacoste; bag - Love Moschino bought on
Tinuta alcatuita din: trenci - HLN (Asemanator); pulover - Minimum; camasa - vintage; pantaloni - Vero Moda (Asemanatori); tenisi - Lacoste; geanta - Love Moschino cumparata de pe