duminică, 16 martie 2014

A Chunky Sweater Is All You Need


En: I love seing other girls wearing hats or caps or turbans or any other kind of head accessory. So, obviously, throughout time, I bought some for myself. But somehow, most days, I find myself leaving the house without them. Probably because I hate going over the top with my looks, especially lately (I think I'm in an extreme minimalistic phase) and wearing any kind of head gear makes me feel a little awkward. Well, since perseverance is definitely one of my strenghts and when I look at photos of me wearing hats I get all excited, every once in a while I push myself towards putting a hat on. Just like in today's look, which is a really comfortable suggestion for spring. Going out without a jacket felt really nice and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Ro: Cred ca toti avem haine, pantofi sau alte accesorii pe care ne place sa le privim, dar nu sa le si purtam. Mai mult, ne place sa le vedem la altii si le admiram tinuta, dar credem ca noi am arata ridicol imbracati asa. Pentru mine, asta se intampla mai mereu ce palariile: intorc capul dupa orice fata cu palarie, ador sa le incerc, chiar sa mi le cumpar, dar ma simt oarecum ciudat cand le port. Imi dau sentimentul de prea mult, ca am exagerat cu tinuta mea si ca am iesit din liniile simplitatii pe care am inceput sa o iubesc. Totusi, cand ma uit la fotografii (si ma entuziazmez pentru ca imi place ce vad), constientizez ca o palarie nu face decat sa completeze perfect unele tinute. Asa ca mi-am propus sa ma straduiesc mai mult in perioada care urmeaza (perseverenta nu imi lipseste deloc, deci nu ar trebui sa fie prea greu) si primavara asta o sa imi scot rand pe rand toate palariile/sepcile/esarfele la plimbare. Va incurajez sa faceti la fel si sa indrazniti mai mult!


I was wearing: sweater - Zara (SIMILAR); jeansi - Zara (HERE); cap - H&M (SIMILAR); sneakers - Converse; sunglasses - Asos (SIMILAR)
Am purtat: pulover - Zara (SIMILAR); jeansi - Zara (AICI); sapca - H&M (SIMILARA); tenisi - Converse; ochelari de soare - Asos (SIMILARI)


18 comentarii:

  1. Oh yes, chunky sweaters are my thing!! You could also wear this outfit with a dress instead of jeans to contrast the feminine piece with the sportiness of the cap and shoes!
    The Beauty Break

    1. That would look really cool, I'll surely do it in the future :) I went to take a walk by the lake dressed like this, I couldn't have worn a dress, but it's next on my list!

  2. Beautiful look and pics!


  3. Foarte frumoasa combinatia dintre sapca si ochelari, arati asa cool! Jeansii sunt superbi :*


    1. Multumesc, ma bucur ca crezi asta, nu port prea des sapca :)

  4. Răspunsuri
    1. L-am gasit intr-un outlet si aveau si o promotie in ziua respectiva, 50% reducere la toate produsele...a fost un chilipir :D

  5. Imi place tare mult puloverul tau! Si pozele sunt wow <3

  6. The color and texture of the sweater is so perfect and those sunglasses are killer! <3 Love this chic and casual look!

    Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment for me, by the way! I appreciated it! <3

    - Anna


  7. Hahah, I'm the same. I don't wear hats that often, instead when it's below 10 degrees :D
    I love this gorgeous, fuzzy, comfy knit on you! The color is so Springy too! ^^

  8. Super pozele, imi plac foarte mult! Ori din cauza luminii ori a ochelarilor ..nu pot sa ma decid si e un lucru bun:)) <3


  9. Imi place mult outfitul tau, o combinatie perfecta iar pozele sunt geniale, lumina este atat de speciala, arati genial!
    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  10. I'm really, really, reaaaaaaaaaally loving your outfit! <3 Nu exista piesa vestimentara care sa nu-mi placa, iar impreuna arata bestial!!! :D
