En: I always believed people with creative jobs are the luckiest people in the world. Maybe even working from home, not having to put on a certain appearance required by the work place. I did not choose a creative job for myslef, but I also didn't go for the corporate world, which I couldn't see myself as part of. Still, imagination exercises are allowed no matter what your field of activity is and for today's outfit I pictured myself as an office lady. How would I dress? How can the office look be improved? These are some tricky questions to answer but I gave it my best. So, I went for a belted vest instead of a blazer (I wish it had a higher clevage so that I could wear it shirtless), a pair of soft pants and nude heels. I played with beige, brown and black and I love the way they compliment each other and I think they fit in just right with the scenario.
Ro: Intotdeauna am crezut ca oamenii care lucreaza din intimitatea propriei case sunt cei mai norocosi oameni din lume. Si printre multele lor avantaje, faptul ca nu trebuie sa poarte o anumita tinuta impusa de domeniul de activitate, mi se parea cel mai demn de invidiat. La polul opus, imi imaginez corporatistii, la care tinuta office e singura acceptabila. Si desi, personal, nu voi profesa in acest mediu, am incercat sa fac un exercitiu de imaginatie: ce as purta daca...? Nu cred ca e deloc usor sa aduci ceva nou la o astfel de tinuta, dar exista mereu mici artificii care ajuta: blazerul poate fi inlocuit cu o vesta prinsa cu o curea chic in talie (poate chiar purtata fara nimic pe dedesubt daca decolteul nu e prea adanc), materialele naturale precum matasea sau inul arata intotdeauna sofisticat, iar cromatica e in totalitate o alegere personala. Eu am optat pentru un amestec de bej, maro si negru si mi se pare ca se incadreaza perfect!
I was wearing: silk shirt and pants - Massimo Dutti; vest and belt - Zara; shoes - Bata; bag - Guess.
Am purtat: camasa si pantaloni - Massimo Dutti; vesta si curea - Zara; pantofi - Bata; geanta - Guess.