joi, 26 iunie 2014

Office Ladies


En: I always believed people with creative jobs are the luckiest people in the world. Maybe even working from home, not having to put on a certain appearance required by the work place. I did not choose a creative job for myslef, but I also didn't go for the corporate world, which I couldn't see myself as part of. Still, imagination exercises are allowed no matter what your field of activity is and for today's outfit I pictured myself as an office lady. How would I dress? How can the office look be improved? These are some tricky questions to answer but I gave it my best. So, I went for a belted vest instead of a blazer (I wish it had a higher clevage so that I could wear it shirtless), a pair of soft pants and nude heels. I played with beige, brown and black and I love the way they compliment each other and I think they fit in just right with the scenario.

Ro: Intotdeauna am crezut ca oamenii care lucreaza din intimitatea propriei case sunt cei mai norocosi oameni din lume. Si printre multele lor avantaje, faptul ca nu trebuie sa poarte o anumita tinuta impusa de domeniul de activitate, mi se parea cel mai demn de invidiat. La polul opus, imi imaginez corporatistii, la care tinuta office e singura acceptabila. Si desi, personal, nu voi profesa in acest mediu, am incercat sa fac un exercitiu de imaginatie: ce as purta daca...? Nu cred ca e deloc usor sa aduci ceva nou la o astfel de tinuta, dar exista mereu mici artificii care ajuta: blazerul poate fi inlocuit cu o vesta prinsa cu o curea chic in talie (poate chiar purtata fara nimic pe dedesubt daca decolteul nu e prea adanc), materialele naturale precum matasea sau inul arata intotdeauna sofisticat, iar cromatica e in totalitate o alegere personala. Eu am optat pentru un amestec de bej, maro si negru si mi se pare ca se incadreaza perfect!


I was wearing: silk shirt and pants - Massimo Dutti; vest and belt - Zara; shoes - Bata; bag - Guess.
Am purtat: camasa si pantaloni - Massimo Dutti; vesta si curea - Zara; pantofi - Bata; geanta - Guess.

luni, 23 iunie 2014

At The Warehouse


En: This is one of my favorite photoshoots in a long time. The location is an abandoned warehouse, containing thousands of movie rolls scattered all over the place. It's quite impressive actually and, also, in desperate need of rehabilitation. But for the sake of photography, it's perfect just the way it is, overwhelmingly dark! I tried to match my outfit, wearing a lot of black, intense eye make up and high top sneakers. A black bowler hat also seemed mandatory. Now I hope you like the result as much as I do!

Ro: Locatia pentru aceste fotografii e una in care imi doream sa ajung de ceva vreme: depozitul de filme din Cluj. Am citit despre el, am vazut fotografii, am vazut cum cei de la Tiff inceraca sa il transforme in muzeu de film, dar nimic nu m-a pregatit pentru senzatia traita cand am ajuns la destinatie. Complet abandonat si extrem de murdar, depozitul de filme are nevoie disperata de igienizare, insa fotografic arata aproape ireal, iar imaginile obtinute sunt unele dintre preferatele mele. Am incercat sa imi potrivesc tinuta locului, in tonuri intense si intunecate. Multa piele, machiaj puternic al ochilor, Conversi si o mica palarie neagra - asta mi-a inspirat mie locatia. Sper ca va place rezultatul!


I was wearing: jacket - Mango; t-shirt - Pull&Bear; leggings - H&M; shoes - Converse; hat - New Yorker.
Am purtat: jacheta - Mango; tricou - Pull&Bear; pantaloni - H&M; tenisi - Converse; palarie - New Yorker.

joi, 19 iunie 2014

Running Running


En: We all know more than we care to admit about staying healthy. So, I won't lecture you on how important exercise is, you are already aware of that. But given that we're mostly talking fashion here on the blog, I think we should approach the running outfit, which may seem obvious, but plays an important part in bringing some workout motivation (at least for me, it does). Having an appropriate, but fresh outfit makes me more impatient about running somehow. Of course trainers are key, no exception here, you need good running shoes! For the rest, it's up to you if you prefer shorts or tights, just remember you can always play with color and for the upper part, I love layers, such as a sports bra peeking from under a loose t-shirt or two tank tops - a racerback under a regular back. And since life (and running) would be too dull without music, a pair of oversized headphones provides entertainment while also being a fashion accessory. Now let's go for a run!

Ro: Stim cu totii mai multe decat ne dam seama despre sanatate. Asa ca nu o sa vrobesc prea mult despre cat e de important sa facem miscare (pentru ca stiti prea bine, ramane doar sa va puneti cunostiintele in practica). In schimb, o sa abordez un alt subiect: cum ne imbracam pentru ora de alergat prin parc? Raspunsul pare evident si totusi exista mai multe variante decat am crede . Evident, trebuie sa fie o tinuta comoda, dar comod nu inseamna urat si cumva, un look interesant si frumos aduce dupa sine mai multa motivatie. Asa ca hai sa incepem cu  pantofii sport, care sunt esentiali si trebuie sa fie potriviti pentru alergat, nicio exceptie aici! Restul tinutei, insa, lasa loc de joaca: colanti sau pantaloni scurti in diverse culori, suprapuneri de tricouri sau pur si simplu o bustiera care doar se iveste de sub un top mai lejer si nelipsitele casti supradimensionate, care pe langa faptul ca ne ofera un ritm numai bun de miscare, sunt si un accesoriu colorat. Si acum: hai sa alergam!


I was wearing: t-shirt and tights - Zara; trainers - Adidas; sports bra - Mr. Big; headphones - Sony.
Am purtat: tricou si colanti - Zara; pantofi sport - Adidas; bustiera - Mr. Big; casti - Sony.

marți, 17 iunie 2014

Coffee Date


En: I don't know about you, but I am one big coffee junkie. I cannot function without a big cup of coffee in the morning. Coffee number 2 and 3 are optional, depending on how hard my day proves to be. But more than the energy boost it provides, coffee (a Caramel Machiato at Starbucks, in particular) can be a great treat in the middle of my afternoon. Taking a break, alone at the window seat, catching up with the online fashion world while sipping on the greatest coffee makes me feel spoiled and totally lifts up my spirit. So I highly encourage you to spoil yourself, at least every once in a while, with whatever makes you happy. Even if it's just ridiculously expensive coffee!

Ro: Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar mie tare-mi mai place cafeaua. Si tare mai am nevoie de ea in fiecare dimineata. Macar una pe zi ma ajuta sa functionez in parametri normali. In unele zile, duc povestea mai departe cu cafeaua numarul 2 pe la ora pranzului. Si mai sunt si zilele alea foarte grele (si rare) cand ajung la numarul 3. Dar mai mult decat simplele efecte ale cafeinei, e ceva la o cafea buna (Caramel Machiato la Starbucks, anyone?), care ma face sa ma simt rasfatata. Chiar si o jumatate de ora, asezata pe locul de la geam sa ne mai uitam la trecatori, cu laptopul sau tableta prin preajma sa ne punem la curent cu ce se intampla in lume poate face minuni pentru dispozitie. Asa ca, daca cumva ati uitat, amintiti-va sa va rasfatati si voi din cand cu ce va face placere. Chiar daca e doar o cafea mult prea scumpa!


I was wearing: shirt - Zara, get it HERE; skort - Stradivarius, get it HERE; shoes - Zara; watch - Michael Kors; rings - H&M; sunglasses - Kardashian Collection.
Am purtat: camasa - Zara, o gasiti AICI; pantaloni scurti - Stradivarius, ii gasiti AICI; pantofi - Zara; ceas - Michael Kors; inele - H&M; ochelari de soare - Kardashian Collection.

sâmbătă, 14 iunie 2014

Picnic in The Park


En: It's the weekend and it's a sunny and beautiful day. You're probably stuck at home, either studying or getting some work done. It's definitely something unpleasant and the shining sun isn't helping you focus at all. So drop it! Take a couple of hours for yourself! Take a blanket, prepare a lemonade, grab your favorite book and head to the nearest park in town. That's what I did in these photos and it gave me such an energy boost, it was probably better than 3 cups of coffee! What do you say? Did I sell you on the idea?

Ro: E weekend, e soare, e vara. Tu esti probabil inchis in casa, incercand sa inveti pentru ultima sesiune de anul asta (ultima din viata asta pentru mine) sau poate ti-a ramas ceva treaba nefacuta de la birou. Oricum ar fi, ai de facut ceva neplacut, ceva care nu te lasa sa iesi afara si sa te bucuri de razele soarelui. Asa ca ce-ar fi sa iti abandonezi treaba? Sa iei o patura, sa arunci cateva bucati de lamaie intr-o sticla cu apa, sa pui mana pe prima carte din biblioteca si te indrepti spre cel mai apropiat parc? Sa te bucuri de soare si de mirosul de vara si de toti necunoscutii care trec pe langa tine? Va promit productivitate mult sporita la intoarcere. V-am convins?

I was wearing: blouse - H&M; skirt - Zara; sandals - Calvin Klein; bracelets - H&M and Meli Melo; ring - Saint Laurent.
Am purtat: bluza- H&M; fusta - Zara; sandale - Calvin Klein; bratari - H&M si Meli Melo; inel - Saint Laurent.

joi, 12 iunie 2014

Going to The Opera?


En: We all have that special occasion with a black tie dress code, where we need to look perfect. It could be a wedding party, our graduation prom or an Opera Ball. It could be anything really, but it would require looking flawless. I believe that these type of events, more than asking for elegancy, test our creativity the most. Evening wear, despite being beautiful, is somewhat predicitble and can easily be foreseen. So how do we reinvent it? Well, there's a number of choices, starting with an unexpected gown, with interesting cuts, maybe classy pants or a delicate jumpsuit and ending with, my take, a skirt and a lace blouse. I love the result and I encourage you to share: how do you make your evening looks a little more interesting?

Ro: Avem cu totii, din cand in cand, evenimente cu codul vestimentar black tie. Poate fi vorba de o nunta, banchetul de absolvire sau Balul Operei. Poate fi orice fel de receptie, dar numitorul comun e eleganta si dorinta fiecarei fete de a arata perfect. Parerea mea este ca acest gen de evenimente ne testeaza cel mai mult creativitatea. O tinuta de seara, cu toate ca e foarte frumoasa, e oarecum prevezibila. Si atunci cum facem sa adaugam ceva neasteptat in lookul nostru? Ei bine, ar fi cateva optiuni, incepand cu o rochie cu taieturi neobisnuite sau intr-o culoare vibranta, o pereche de pantaloni eleganti sau poate chiar o salopeta minimalista si terminand cu, alegerea mea de astazi, o fusta midi si o bluza din dantela. Rezultatul e exact pe placul meu, dar m-as bucura sa citesc si sugestiile voastre: cum alcatuiti o tinuta de seara iesita din comun?



I was wearing: top - Teodora Visinescu, find her at Atelier Vestige; skirt - Choies, get it HERE; sandals - Smiling Shoes, get them HERE; earrings - Meli Melo.
Am purtat: bluza - Teodora Visinescu, o gasiti la Atelier Vestige; fusta - Choies, o gasiti AICI; sandale - Smiling Shoes, le gasiti AICI; cercei - Meli Melo.

Want to see more? Check out My Curly Photography HERE!