marți, 11 februarie 2014

Run and Buy: The Belt Bag a.k.a The Fannypack


En: I remember being 12 years old and going on a field tip with the rest of my class. And I also remember how I kept my money, lip balm and gum in this canvas fannypack tied around my hips. I was undoubtedly cool, just as the majority of my classmates, who were wearing the same thing in countless different colors. Today I'm 24 and I would have forgotten all about that trip if it wasn't for the revival of the before mentioned fannypack or belt bag. Now I would like to say I'm a visionary that sees ahead of her time and knew this would be making a comeback (have you seen THIS article showing Nicole Richie wearing it?), but the truth is I got mine by accident. I merely wanted to buy a small black bag HERE and it came with both a shoulder strap and a belt and I decided to take advantage of it. If you like this trend, I gathered a few similar designs in a collage below. Happy shopping!

Ro: Imi amintesc o anumita excursie cu clasa la varsta de 12 ani. Si mai tin minte si cum aveam banii, balsamul de buze si guma intr-o borseta din panza colorata legata in jurul taliei. Si nu, nu eram doar eu, ci si cea mai mare parte a colegelor mele (ca doar toate trebuia sa fim cool si sa ne accesorizam cam la fel). Ce legatura are asta cu postarea de azi? Ei bine, am mai scris pe blog despre trenduri care nu credeam ca o sa reinvie sau pe care nu ma asteptam sa le adopt eu. Acesta e cu siguranta unul dintre ele, dar intamplarea face ca atunci cand am cumparat o geanta noua Mihaela Glavan, aceasta a venit insotita de doua curele din piele, una de pus pe umar si alta de legat in jurul taliei (spre marea-mi surprindere). Recent, dupa ce am citit si ACEST articol, am hotarat ca merita sa ii dau o sansa si in varianta de borseta si nu mi-a displacut deloc sa ma plimb prin oras cu mainile libere, fara sa-mi atarne o greutate de umar (da, gentile mele sunt de obicei pline pana la refuz de tot ce nu am nevoie). Daca va ganditi si voi la o astfel de investitie, ACESTA e un model extrem de asemanator cu al meu, iar mai jos am alcatuit un colaj cu alte variante gasite. Spor la cumparaturi!

The belt bag

12 comentarii:

  1. fine look ; ))

    new post

  2. Love your outfit! X

  3. I love your belt bag <3

  4. Interesting

  5. Pentru mine gentile postas fac cam acelasi lucru.

  6. Arată interesant și cred că nu m-ar deranja să încerc.

  7. Love the beanie so much *_*



    Today on RY - touchscreen gloves.

  8. this one is way cooler than any fanny pack from the old days :) it really completes the look.

  9. Un accesoriu tare simpatic, imi place mult cum l-ai introdus in tinuta!

    Te pup,

