En: You already know all about my fascination for Vogue contributers and their sensational style. And this week, given that it's been a while since I've done a post of this kind, I chose the very inspiring Jane Herman Bishop. In addition to her Vogue contribution, she also runs a website called www.jeanstories.com, which sort of makes her wear denim everyday. The fact that she pulls it off with such grace and creativity makes her a true inspiration to me!
Ro: Nu e prima data cand imi declar admiratia pentru editorii Vogue si stilul lor senzational. Si avand in vedere ca a trecut ceva timp de la ultima postare de genul, am ales ca saptamana aceasta sa v-o prezint pe Jane Herman Bishop. Pe langa contributia la Vogue, se ocupa si de un website numit www.jeanstories.com, unde gasiti orice pereche de jeansi ati visa si cam la fel de multe idei pentru cum sa-i purtati. Avand in vedere ca Jane poarta denim in fiecare zi, m-a uimit cum reuseste sa arate mereu diferit si extrem de elegant. Creativitatea ei m-a inspirat si sper sa va inspire si pe voi!
Her minimalist aesthetic is best emphasized here with a white Band of Outsiders shirt under a vintage fur-collared vest and under a Balenciaga peacoat. Also, her gorgeous bag is KARA:
A simple and chic outfit including denim (which could easily be recreated by anyone) is composed of Baldwin jeans, Gitman Bros. shirt and loafers and a bright blue Celine tote:
When Jane isn't wearing jeans, she'll surely be spotted in a denim jacket, Helmut Lang in this case. For the rest of the look, she chose a pair of Dries Van Noten pants, a plaid shirt and Marc Jacobs shoes:
Ultracasual but still stylish wearing ripped jeans? Hell, yeah! Look at her wearing Levi's Orange Tab jeans, Jil Sander sweatshirt, a Clare Vivier clutch and comfy Vans:
miercuri, 26 februarie 2014
duminică, 23 februarie 2014
By the Lake
En: In spate of the terrible, gloomy weather, we decided to take a walk by the lake yesterday. And in spate of my usuall bad calls when it comes to getting dressed, I nailed it this time with rain boots and a heavy scarf, which protected me from both the mud and the wind. I feel like these boots are one of the best investments I made (now I'm thinking I could also use a pair of green Hunters, but so far these Favollas do the trick just as well). So, in case you still don't own a pair, now's the time!
Ro: Chiar daca nu am mai vazut soarele de cateva zile, ne-am hotarat sa iesim totusi la o plimbare pe malul lacului ieri. Si cu toate ca de obicei nu sunt foarte inspirata cand vine vorba de alegeri vestimentare in ton cu vremea de afara, am nimerit-o de data asta cu cizme de cauciuc si un fular gros, ambele foarte necesare avand in vedere ca ne-am plimbat prin noroaie si ne-a suflat vantul din plin. Cred ca perechea asta de cizme sunt printre cele mai bune investitii ale mele (ma gandesc ca as putea sa mai adaug colectiei si o pereche de cizme Hunter verzi pe viitor, dar deocamdata mi-e bine cu perechea asta Favolla). De fapt, imi plac atat de mult ca mi-am comandat si versiunea mai scurta, tot din cauciuc negru si tot de pe www.fashiondays.ro. Le astept cu nerabdare de cateva saptamani si vi le recomand si voua cu incredere!
I was wearing: jacket - Pull&Bear (Similar); top - Zara; leather leggings - H&M (Similar); scarf - Kenvelo; rubber boots - Favolla bought on www.fashiondays.ro.
Am purtat: jacheta - Pull&Bear (Asemanatoare); bluza - Zara; pantaloni piele - H&M (Asemanatori); fular - Kenvelo; cizme cauciuc - Favolla de pe www.fashiondays.ro.
joi, 20 februarie 2014
Crush: Topshop's Mesh Stiletto Booties

2. Apres Mesh Stiletto Boots in Teal
3. Apres Mesh Stilleto Boots in Nude
En: I can't believe these are still on sale at Topshop and available in my size. I'm crushing really hard on the bronze ones, but I already made a major fashion related investment this month (read ordered a new bag) and I'm trying to restrain myself. But I could see them with a millon different outfits...What do you think?
Ro: Mi-a venit cu greu sa cred ca frumusetile astea sunt inca la reducere pe site-ul Topshop. Si ca marimea mea e inca disponibila a fost o alta surpriza placuta. Le-as comanda pe cele aurii, dar am facut deja o investitie majora luna asta (a se citi - mi-am comandat o geanta noua de care nu aveam nevoie, dar pe care a trebuit s-o am :p) asa ca incerc sa ma abtin. Deocamdata. Desi intre timp mi-am imaginat vreo 5 tinute cu ele. Cum vi se par?
luni, 17 februarie 2014
Men's Department Shirts
En: This has to be my favorite shirt at the moment. I was looking for a light blue loose fit one forever when I decided the women's department has nothing to offer. So, I started searching the men's section instead and in no time I cam across this beauty. It was a little too loose so I had it altered to my exact taste and now we're unseparable. I love how it looks with black leather and camel and I have a feeling I'll be recreating this look in countless ways over the following days. Now my next task is to find a similar one in white!
Ro: Mi-a luat ceva timp, dar cred ca am inceput sa invat simplitatea. Observ ca in ultima vreme ma indrept spre tinute relativ minimaliste in care ma simt extrem de confortabil. Si cred ca e nevoie de 2 lucruri pentru ca o astfel de tinuta sa nu treaca neobservata: 1. cromatica aleasa - camel + albastru pal + negru e intotdeauna o combinatie castigatoare si 2. croiala potrivita a hainelor. Cu nr. 2 ma mai lupt cateodata si recurg la tot felul de alternative, de exemplu sa cumpar de la raionul de barbati (nu am reusit sa gasesc la femei o astfel de camasa oricat am cautat, sunt fie prea stramte, fie prea largi si din materiale prea subtiri), am ajuns sa cunosc toate croitoriile pe o raza de cativa km fiindca duc la modificat tot ce nu imi vine exact asa cum imi doresc si nu in ultimul rand, sunt extrem de atenta la ce cumpar (mai ales la pantaloni/jenasi/fuste mi se rupe sufletul cand trebuie sa le las acolo, dar reusesc sa ma abtin atunci cand nu imi stau asa cum trebuie). Cam astea sunt trucurile pe care le-am invatat pana acum (si pe care ma straduiesc sa le aplic de fiecare data), pe masura ce mai invat, va mai impartasesc :)
I was wearing: coat - Otto Hermann, similar HERE; men's shirt - vintage; leather shorts - Motivi, similar HERE; shoes - Calvin Klein bought on www.fashiondays.ro; bag - Michael Kors, get it HERE.
Am purtat: palton - Otto Hermann, asemanator AICI; camasa - vinatge; shorts - Motivi, asemanatori AICI; pantofi - Calvin Klein cumparati de pe www.fashiondays.ro; geanta - Michael Kors, o gasiti AICI.
joi, 13 februarie 2014
February Wishlist

En: This month's wishlist is a rather weird mix of plaid jackets, printed tops, short fluted skirts and high waisted denim shorts. And a fancy jumpsuit my wardrobe seems to crave. Don't ask why, the heart wants what it wants and doesn't seem to care for unimportant things like seasons or occasions to wear it!
Ro: Luna asta sunt destul de mandra de cat de bine mi-am controlat tendintele shopaholice. Am reusit sa renunt la jumatate din hainele din dulap si mi-am promis ca pe viitor sa cumpar doar lucrurile de care am cu adevarat nevoie (alea care nu ma lasa noaptea sa dorm de cat de bine s-ar potrivi cu ce mai am prin garderoba si care vor fi la fel de frumoase si cand o sa fiu bunica). Bine, nu o sa fie chiar asa, stiu, dar ce vreau sa spun e ca incerc o chestie stil 5 piece french wardrobe despre care am citit AICI. Pana ma hotarasc eu care sunt cele 5?! lucruri pe care le vreau sezonul asta, o sa incerc sa stau departe de magazine. Online e putin mai greu, dar fac eforturi. Insa nimeni nu spune ca nu putem visa si cam la asta visez eu in luna februarie...
1. Red Zipper Plaid Jacket
2. Letter and Flower Print Pullover
3. Camouflage Short Sleeves T-shirt
4. Fancy Color Block Backless Jumpsuit
5. Turned Edge Loose Denim Shorts
6. Small Bag Print Knit Dress
7. Color Contrast High Waisted Skirt
marți, 11 februarie 2014
Run and Buy: The Belt Bag a.k.a The Fannypack
En: I remember being 12 years old and going on a field tip with the rest of my class. And I also remember how I kept my money, lip balm and gum in this canvas fannypack tied around my hips. I was undoubtedly cool, just as the majority of my classmates, who were wearing the same thing in countless different colors. Today I'm 24 and I would have forgotten all about that trip if it wasn't for the revival of the before mentioned fannypack or belt bag. Now I would like to say I'm a visionary that sees ahead of her time and knew this would be making a comeback (have you seen THIS article showing Nicole Richie wearing it?), but the truth is I got mine by accident. I merely wanted to buy a small black bag HERE and it came with both a shoulder strap and a belt and I decided to take advantage of it. If you like this trend, I gathered a few similar designs in a collage below. Happy shopping!
Ro: Imi amintesc o anumita excursie cu clasa la varsta de 12 ani. Si mai tin minte si cum aveam banii, balsamul de buze si guma intr-o borseta din panza colorata legata in jurul taliei. Si nu, nu eram doar eu, ci si cea mai mare parte a colegelor mele (ca doar toate trebuia sa fim cool si sa ne accesorizam cam la fel). Ce legatura are asta cu postarea de azi? Ei bine, am mai scris pe blog despre trenduri care nu credeam ca o sa reinvie sau pe care nu ma asteptam sa le adopt eu. Acesta e cu siguranta unul dintre ele, dar intamplarea face ca atunci cand am cumparat o geanta noua Mihaela Glavan, aceasta a venit insotita de doua curele din piele, una de pus pe umar si alta de legat in jurul taliei (spre marea-mi surprindere). Recent, dupa ce am citit si ACEST articol, am hotarat ca merita sa ii dau o sansa si in varianta de borseta si nu mi-a displacut deloc sa ma plimb prin oras cu mainile libere, fara sa-mi atarne o greutate de umar (da, gentile mele sunt de obicei pline pana la refuz de tot ce nu am nevoie). Daca va ganditi si voi la o astfel de investitie, ACESTA e un model extrem de asemanator cu al meu, iar mai jos am alcatuit un colaj cu alte variante gasite. Spor la cumparaturi!
duminică, 9 februarie 2014
Shades of Gray
En: I really like monochrome outfits. And while some may argue that a head to toe gray look is boring, I believe it's the perfect base for a chic outfit. A play with textures or patterns and some unusual accesories add interest and make it stand out even more than a colorful one. But I'd really love to hear your thoughts on the matter, too? Now I gotta run, we're celebrating today. Happy b-day to my dear mom!
Ro: Mie una imi plac tinutele monocrome. Desi atunci cand spui ca urmeaza sa te imbraci in gri din cap pana-n picioare poate parea plictisitor, eu vad acest look ca baza perfecta pentru o tinuta foarte chic. Daca ne jucam putin cu texturi diferite si adaugam cateva accesorii inedite, o tinuta gri poate transmite mai mult decat una colorata (ca sa nu mai spun ca dupa o curatenie masiva in dulap, am ramas doar cu griuri si bejuri si alte nuante neutre in care ma regasesc mai nou). Dar mi-ar placea sa aud si parerea voastra despre culori sau non-culori?
joi, 6 februarie 2014
That Hat
En: So it's been a while. A week and a half to be more precise. And I hated every second of it. Partly because I really dislike being away from my blog, but mostly because I had way too much to study. Well, I'm done with exams for now so no more blogging breaks for a while. I had these photos prepared for quite some time and never got around to posting them; the setting is my backyard while it was snowing like crazy and everything was covered in white. I feel like the scenery gives this look a whimsical feeling and I hope you enjoy them, too. I kept my outfit rather simple, at least colorwise because I wanted my new hat to stand out. Once I saw how this orange matches my hair color, I had to have it and didn't think how it won't match any of my outerwear (besides this one). Now the hard part is not buying a new coat to go with it...
Ro: A trecut ceva vreme. Vreo 10 zile ca sa fiu precisa. Si nu mi-au placut deloc. Partial pentru ca simt ca ceva e in neregula daca stau prea mult timp departe de blog, dar mai ales pentru ca mi-am petrecut zilele cu cartea de ginecologie (anul 6 la medicina nu e deloc o fericire). Partea buna e ca toate trec si acum sunt in vacanta, deci urmeaza multe postari cu si mai multe idei si sugestii. Pozele astea aseptau de ceva vreme sa fie impartasite, le-am facut intr-un weekend cu troiene de zapada la Cluj cand pana si curtea noastra arata de poveste. Si pentru ca am vrut sa port palaria mea cea noua (care nu se potriveste cu mai nimic din ce am eu in dulap), am pastrat restul tinutei in nuante de alb si negru. Acum marea provocare e sa nu imi cumpar un nou palton care sa se potriveasca cu palaria...
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