sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014

Get the Look: Denim on Denim


En: I believe, in fashion, rules are made to be broken. And it happens every season - we've witnessed the trend of white shoes, overalls, color blocking, etc. So why not denim on denim? Especially if you add a little beige to break the monotony and make it almost elegant.

Ro: Cred ca in moda regulile sunt facute doar ca sa fie incalcate peste cateva sezoane. Am asistat la atatea trenduri care ne ingrozeau odata: pantofi albi, salopete, combinatii cromatice "interzise". Asa ca de ce nu am incerca si combinatia jacheta din denim si jeansi? Cu putin bej arata fresh si sofisticat.


marți, 21 ianuarie 2014

Interiors: Creative Work Spaces


En: Even if you don't work from home (but more so if you do), you need a creative space to store work related stuff. Probably most of youalready own a desk or a small table to keep your computers, pencils and pens and tons of papers. But how to make this little place more visually apealing and more tempting? I've gathered a series of images and sharedsome tips at the bottom of the page!

Ro: Chiar daca nu o sa lucrez vreodata de acasa (putin sunt norocosii care se pot lauda cu asta), cred ca orice locuinta are nevoie de un spatiu dedicat unui birou pe care sa tinem laptopuri, creioane, pixuri si toate hartiile si hartiutele de la facultate alaturi de carti, cursuri, caiete, etc. Si pentru ca acest spatiu nu e intotdeauna locul in care ne dorim sa stam (tolaneala pe canapea in timpul unui film bun suna mult mai bine decat o dupa-masa la birou invatand), poate daca il infrumusetam putintel, o sa fie ceva mai tentant. Am adunat o serie de imagini sugestive in acest sens si cateva tips-uri care sper sa va prinda bine in josul paginii!


#1: Always have fresh flowers on your desk. Bonus points if they're pale pink roses kept in a vintage golden vase!/
Tineti intotdeauna o vaza cu flori pe birou (cel mai frumos arata trandafirii roz pal in vaze aurii), insenineaza camera si atmosfera instant!

#2: An industrial lamp is your best friend: helps with both better lightning and decorating./
O lampa mare cu picior, intr-o culoare vie e un prieten de nadejde, pe langa plusul de lumina adesea necesar, e si un obiect decorativ extrem de placut privirii.

#3: What to hang above the desk? There's plenty of choices, starting from a clock to an inspiration board. But I say go with a framed quote that inspires you or motivates you somehow. If you don't have a motto of your own yet, check out my Pinterest board on such quotes HERE/
Ce sa atarnam pe peretele de deasupra biroului? Desi aici exista nenumarate variante, de la un clasic ceas la un colaj cu poze care te inspira sau o serie de rame identice goale, eu am ales unul dintre citatele mele preferate,care ma motiveaza in fiecare zi si l-am inramat. Sugestii gasiti AICI!

#4: Take a seat. But only if you first bought a fabulous chair and threw a faux fur blanket over it.
Inainte de a lua un loc la noul birou, asigurati-va ca ati gasit scaunul potrivit. Poate fi unul foarte vechi, gasit pe la bunica prin pivnita sau unul de plastic transparent. Si o patura moale aruncata neglijent peste el nu strica!

#5: Use piles creatively. Whether it's books or magazines or CDs, stack your favorites in a corner, on the desk and use them as holders for other tiny objects, such as pencil cups, candles or small vases.
Nu aruncti teancurle de reviste adunate de-a lungul vremii, pe un colt al biroului pot servi ca un excelent suport pentru lumanarele parfumate sau mici vaze colorate.

Happy redecorating!
Si acum, sperand ca v-a placut postarea, spor la redecorat!

miercuri, 15 ianuarie 2014



En: In case you're not following me on Instagram, I figured I could do a post about it since I'm completely addicted and post plenty of pics veryday. If you like it, feel free to show some love @asparklyhanger!

Ro: Pentru ca sunt total dependenta de Instagram si postez mult mai mult si mai des decat pe blog, m-am gandit sa va impartasesc cateva din imaginile lunii trecute. Daca va place,ma puteti oricand urmari @asparklyhanger!


1. Wearing my fur collar and burgundy hat; 2. Favorite makeup products at the time; 3. Champagne to celebrate 2 years with my baby; 4. A side french braid and smokey eyes.


1. My favortie breakfast - the green detox smoothie; 2. Baby pink nails for the week; 3. Anniversary present; 4. My new wallet, a present from myself.


1, 4. I love using PicsArt to create collages, like these with my vintage Levi's and various shoes choices; 
2. Beauty routine - Dior moisturizer and argan oil; 3. Bouncy curls, another favorite hairstyle.


1. Watching "The Carrie Diaries"; 2. Listening to old favorties on my colorful ipod; 3. I wear my hair in a low bun at least once a week; 4. Macaroons, I loved the pepper and violets flavour.


1. Cozy evening, reading the last book from the "Game of Thrones" series, loving George R.R. Martin; 
2. Jean Paul Gaultier - "Classique", current fragrance of choice; 3. Vatra Dornei ski trip; 4. Zara puffer jacket + rain boots.


1. Stradivarius necklace with screws; 2. A whole bunch of MUA makeup stuff; 3. Breakfast in bed on a Wednesday; 4. A granny like hairstyle.


1. Snaphot from my hobo shoot; 2. the DIY slogan beanie I talked so much about; 3. Gray nailpolish and silver rings; 4. The red coat from @persunmall.

luni, 13 ianuarie 2014

Red Riding Hood


En: After looking at my previous outfit posts, I was a little displeased to notice that I only own dark colored coats: navy blue, gray and black. The only exception is my camel coat and the beige fur jacket, which are also neutrals and don't count as colorful. That's when I was contacted by www.persunmall.com  and was able to solve my wardrobe crisis by ordering a bright red coat; talk about perfect timing! I am extremely happy with it and everyone seemed to love the color, too. Since it's such a strong piece on its own, I paired it with a white graphic tee and ripped denim shorts to balance things out. But that felt a little too much on the safe side, so I added my leopard scarf and my new high top sneakers to spice things up. Thoughts?

Ro: Cam pe la sfarsitul anului 2013, cand alcatuiam un colaj cu toate tinutele mele, am constat cu surprindere ca in ultima vreme m-am imbracat numai in griuri (gri, negru, navy). Nu prea aveam cum sa ma imbrac altfel avand in vedere ca toate paltoanele pe care le am sunt in nuante inchise sau cel mult neutre (camel, bej) si sa ies fara palton nu e chiar o varianta viabila. Cam tot pe vremea asta, m-au contactat cei de la www.persunmall.com ca sa ma ajute sa rezolv aceasta "criza"cu un palton intr-un rosu aprins (nu stiau ei de problema mea, dar colaborarea a picat exact la momentul potrivit). L-am asteptat cu nerabdare si am fost extrem de placut surprinsa cand am deschis coletul: culoarea e frumoasa (si intensa!), materialul de buna calitate si am nimerit si marimea! L-am purtat cu un tricou alb si jeansi rupti si pe cand ieseam din casa, m-am hotarat sa aduag esarfa cu imprimeu leopard cu care arata neasteptat de bine. Pareri?

I was wearing: coat - get it HERE ; t-shirt - H&M; shorts - Bershka; sneakers -Pull&Bear, get them HERE; scarf - Bershka; bag - DKNY.
Am purtat: palton - il gasiti AICI; tricou - H&M; pantaloni scurti - Bershka; tenisi - Pull&Bear, ii gasiti AICI ; esarfa - Bershka; geanta - DKNY.

vineri, 10 ianuarie 2014

Run and Buy (or DIY): The Slogan Beanie


En: You've probably seen more than one girl wearing this kind of beanie. But where to get it? Well, if you're in the mood for a little DIY project, you can sew it yourself, kinda like in the previous photos. I chose pearls, but studs, buttons or jewels could work just as well and the slogan is completely up to you. But if you're not feeling crafty, an online shop is your go to. I made a selection below and I love the "Vogue" one, but there's something for everyone!

Ro: Sigur ati zarit pe cineva purtand o caciulita cu o inscriptie in frunte si daca va doreati si voi una, am alcatuit mai jos un colaj cu optiuni pentru toata lumea. Totusi, eu va propun sa luati in calcul si varianta DIY cu perle, tinte, pietricele sau orice altceva va place. Mie mi-a luat putin mai bine de o ora sa o cos, dar sunt foarte multumita de rezultat si de faptul ca imi imbogatesc colectia de caciulite handmade inceputa iarna trecuta (cu acest exemplar). Spor la cumparat (sau confectionat :p)!
The Message Beanie

joi, 2 ianuarie 2014

January Wishlist


1. Vintage peach heart print long sleeves shirt
2. Sequin collar woolen dress
3. Double layer chiffon casual shorts
4. Deep v-neck slimfit short sleeves jumpsuit
5. Simple swallows print round neck hoodie
6. Middle rise slimfit blue dotted casual pants

En: Happy New Year, everyone! Let's start the year with a little shopping, shall we?Although lately I've been  trying to cut down on my shopping (and stay more on the thrifty side), every once in a while I need a closet update with the latest trends. This month I think I'll have to get that hearts printed shirt and the nude skort. And maybe a hooded coat, too? It's a good thing sales are just around the corner!

Ro: La multi ani la toata lumea! Ce-ar fi sa ne incepem anul cu cateva cumparaturi? Mai ales ca in ultima vreme am facut oaresce eforturi sa mai reduc din cantitatea de haine cumparate intr-o luna. Rezultatul? Mi-am cumparat mai putine lucruri din magazine (inclusiv on-line) si am luat cu asalt second hand-urile. Ceea ce nu a insemnat deloc mai putine haine, ci doar mai putini bani cheltuiti (dar e bine si asa deocamdata). Pentru ianuarie am deja cateva mici obsesii, cum ar fi camasa imprimata cu inimioare, panatalonii scurti nude sau paltonul cu gluga de mai jos. Cu siguranta nu va fi asta luna cu mai putine cumparaturi mai ales ca reducerile stau sa inceapa, poate luna viitoare?!


1. Double breasted woolen lapel coat
2. Thicken double breasted middle long woolen coat
3. Lamb wool lapel middle long thicken zipper navy blue coat
4. Fitted middlelong woolen coat with stand collar and zipper
5. Vintage hooded woolen coat
6. Front zipper two pockets middle long wollen coat