joi, 12 septembrie 2013

Let's Talk Nails

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En: Since I'm at my parent's house this week, with no photographer (and more importantly, no camera) I thought I could share these inspirational nail styles to try. I'm always looking for new patterns/colors (I even have a Pinterest board - here, on the matter) and I already tried the metallic nails and I love them. I think next week I'll go for geometric black and white.

Ro: Inca sunt acasa la parintii mei, fara fotograf, fara camera, fara vreo posibilitate de a posta poze cu propria-mi persoana. Asa ca m-am gandit ca din moment ce am facut un board pe Pinterest (aici) cu tot felul de stiluri de manichiura, sa postez cateva si pe blog. Momentan, eu am incercat unghiile metalice si sunt destul de incantata. Cred ca saptamana viitoare o sa le incerc pe cele in alb si negru...

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