marți, 24 septembrie 2013

Wish I Was Wearing: Baggy Leather Pants


En: Wish I was wearing something like this today. Oh wait, I actually am :) I didn't get the chance to take outfit photos (because I've got the flu and don't look really photogenic) but I finally got my hands on the perfect pair of baggy leahter pants today. The miracle happened in a thrift store (I've been really lucky there lately) and I was not sure at first, but ended up buying them and as a result  I've spent my entire day dressed in leather. I got a few stares on the street, but I felt fabulous, so who cares?

Ro: Asta mi-ar placea sa port azi. Dar, stati putin, chiar asta port :) Nu am avut ocazia sa fac poze decente (sunt racita si cu nasul rosu) dar azi am gasit perechea perfecta de pantaloni de piele largi. Minunea s-a intamplat intr-un second (unde am avut mult noroc in ultima vreme) si desi am ezitat putin, dupa ce am trecut cu ei de casa de marcat, nu i-am mai dat jos toata ziua. Am privit cateva priviri insisitente, dar m-am simtit prea bine ca sa imi pese!

Baggy Leather

duminică, 22 septembrie 2013

Another School Outfit?

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En: I think it's my impatience for my last year of university to begin or maybe the fact that I already see teenagers going to highschool every morning, but all I can think of these days are college friendly outfits.So, here's what I would wear on a chilly autumn day: layers on top (plaid shirt under a sweatshirt and topped off with a trench coat), boyfriend jeans and open toe booties.Thoughts?

Ro: Cred ca de vina e nerabdarea (sa incep ultimul an de facultate) sau poate faptul ca deja vad adolescente in drum spre liceu in fiecare dimineata, dar nu ma pot gandi decat la tinute pentru mers la scoala zilele astea. Asa ca, asta as purta intr-o zi racoroasa de toamna: straturi in partea de sus (camasa in carouri, o bluza sport si un trenci), jeansi boyfriend si botine peep toe.Pareri?

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I was wearing: trench coat - HLN; sweatshirt -; plaid shirt - H&M; jeans - Miss Selfridge; booties - Office; bag - Meli Melo.
Am purtat: trenci - HLN; bluza sport -; camasa - H&M; jeansi - Miss Selfridge; botine - Office; geanta - Meli Melo.

marți, 17 septembrie 2013

Ready for School

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En: It's two more weeks until I start my last year in college and this is the time when I plan my outfits (I always have tons of ideas for October, then it gets more challenging). I mean dressing appropriate without being a total bore requires a little brainstorming, but I discovered the key is choosing basics with a twist, like a semi-sheer shirt, cuffed skinny jeans, a long coat and soft suede brogues.Now tell me: how do you dress for school?

Ro: Mai sunt 2 saptamani pana incep ultimul an de studentie si asta e perioada in care imi planific tinutele (intotdeauna am o gramada de idei la sfarsitul verii, cred ca deja am cate un outfit in minte pentru fiecare zi din luna octombrie). Si cred ca cel mai potrivit look pentru facultate e simplu, dar chic. Eu am incercat sa obtin asta cu o camasa semi-transparenta, jeansi skinny, un palton lung, gri si o pereche de pantofi de inspiratie masculina. Si acum sunt curioasa: voi cum va imbracati la scoala?
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I was wearing: coat - H&M; shirt - Forever 21; jeans - Gap; shoes and bag - Calvin Klein; earrings - Meli Melo.
Tinuta alcatuita din: palton - H&M; camasa - Forever 21; jeansi - Gap; pantofi si geanta - Calvin Klein; cercei - Meli Melo.

duminică, 15 septembrie 2013

Burgundy and Black Lace

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En: So, I'm finally back in Cluj, which means I have a camera, a photographer and enough clothing to photograph (it's never enough but it's way more than what I had at my parents' place). Regarding this particular outfit, it was a lucky thrifting find, both the skirt and the top costed like 5$ and I'm really happy with them and how they look with leopard printed shoes. And although this skirt lenght has been around for a while, for me, it's my first time giving it a try, but definitely not my last. Now I have to run, hope you like my new bangs :)

Ro: In sfarsit m-am intors acasa, la Cluj, ceea ce inseamna ca am si fotograf, si aparat, si haine destule de pozat (nu sunt nicioadata destule, dar sunt mult mai multe decat in dulapul din casa parintilor). Tinuta a fost rezultatul unei sesiuni reusite de scotocit prin second handuri. Fusta a costat 4 lei, iar bluza 10 si sunt tare incantata de cum arata impreuna. Stiu ca lungimea asta de fusta nu e tocmai noua, dar e prima data pentru mine cand port asa ceva (cu siguranta nu si ultima, astept cu nerabdare sa o port si cu tocuri). Si, in alta ordine de idei, sper ca va place noul meu breton :)

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I was wearing: top and skirt - thrifted; belt - Terranova; shoes - Bata; bag - Benvenutti; jewelry - Meli Melo.
Am purtat: bluza si fusta - second hand; curea - Terranova; balerini - Bata; geanta - Benvenutii; bijuterii - Meli Melo.

joi, 12 septembrie 2013

Let's Talk Nails

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En: Since I'm at my parent's house this week, with no photographer (and more importantly, no camera) I thought I could share these inspirational nail styles to try. I'm always looking for new patterns/colors (I even have a Pinterest board - here, on the matter) and I already tried the metallic nails and I love them. I think next week I'll go for geometric black and white.

Ro: Inca sunt acasa la parintii mei, fara fotograf, fara camera, fara vreo posibilitate de a posta poze cu propria-mi persoana. Asa ca m-am gandit ca din moment ce am facut un board pe Pinterest (aici) cu tot felul de stiluri de manichiura, sa postez cateva si pe blog. Momentan, eu am incercat unghiile metalice si sunt destul de incantata. Cred ca saptamana viitoare o sa le incerc pe cele in alb si negru...

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luni, 9 septembrie 2013

Wish I Was Wearing: Numbers and Leopards


En: I love how simple yet unexpected this outfit is. I mean this kind of sports inspired t-shirt is everywhere (even I am on the hunt for the perfect one), but I would have never paired it with leopard heels. Simplicity with a twist is definitely my favorite style!

Ro: Pentru ca avem nevoie permanenta de inspiratie, am simtit nevoie sa postez aceasta fotografie descoperita saptamana trecuta. Imi place la nebunie cat de simpla si totusi neasteptata e aceasta combinatie de tricou sport si pantofi cu imprimeu leopard si dupa ce gasesc si eu tricoul perfect, sunt nerbadatoare sa il port cu jeansi si cei mai indrazneti pantofi pe care ii detin :)

vineri, 6 septembrie 2013

Thinking of...Back to School

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En: Ever since I was a child, every autumn meant getting new clothes for back to school. And although there were only a few places to shop in my town and I had a fairly limited budget (and had to consider what my mom would actually purchase and what she would refuse to get me), it was thrilling. It was the kind of thing I was looking forward to at the end of summer.
Now, if I go a month without buying something new I feel weird. And with the sales just ending (and me having bought more than I should have), I feel like I should be on a shopping ban for a few months (read weeks - no way I can go months without shopping). But how do I do that during september? With all the new stuff showing up? With all my cravings (including a tartan skirt, a slip dress and a pair of cut out boots I can't live without? Maybe I'll cross a few things off my list and then I can go on a shopping ban?!

Ro: Inca de pe vremea cand eram in scoala generala, fiecare toamna insemna haine noi pentru un nou inceput. Si chiar daca nu aveam decat vreo 3 magazine in orasul meu natal, un buget limitat (si trebuie sa tin cont de parerea neinduratoare a mamei), eram extrem de entuziasmata. Era lucrul pe care il asteptam cu nerabdare la sfarsitul fiecarei veri.
Acum, e o minune daca trece o luna fara sa imi cumpar ceva nou. Si cum reducerile tocmai s-au terminat (si portmoneul meu s-a golit chiar daca nu intentionam asta), cred ca ar fi cazul sa fac o pauza de la cumparaturi. Dar cum sa fac asta tocmai in luna septembrie cu toate noile colectii? Si cu lista mea interminabila de dorinte (mai sus am selectat doar cateva dintre ele)? Desi ma consum intre sentimentul de vinovatie (prea multe cumparaturi vara asta) si dorinta, cred ca ar trebui sa tai cate ceva de pe lista mea si doar apoi sa fac o pauza de la cumparat?! 

marți, 3 septembrie 2013

Vacation Look No. 3: Swimwear

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En: I guess this is going to be the last series of vacation photos. I've been on the road all of last week, with no time for new pictures, so in the meantime I'll share my favorite swimsuit (since swimwear is also highly important for any fashion lover): I love the cut, the color and I love wearing it with high-waisted shorts for a retro vibe. For next summer, I'm thinking a similar cut in a polka dot fabric...I would surely love that...

Ro: Aceasta va fi ultima postare cu poze din vacanta. Am fost pe drumuri toata saptamana trecuta, fara timp de noi fotografii asa ca m-am gandit sa va imapartasesc imaginile astea cu costumul meu de baie preferat: iubesc modelul, culoarea si mai ales, imi place sa il port cu pantaloni scurti cu talie inalta pentru un aer retro. Pentru vara viitoare, visez la un model asemanator, dar dintr-un material cu buline... cred ca asa ar arata costumul de baie al visurilor mele :)

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I was wearing: swimsuit - Pull&Bear; sunglasses - Kardashian Collection; shorts - Depot 96.
Am purtat: costum de baie - Pull&Bear; ochelaro de soare - Kardashian Collection; pantaloni scurti - Depot 96.