En: Since there are a few days left and I bet there's more than one late Christmas shopper, here's a few suggestions for (girl)friends or sisters or any young female you might have to find a gift for!
Ro: Nimic nu imi place mai mult decat zilele de dinaintea Craciunului, cand facem ultimele cumparaturi pentru cei dragi( a se citi: ne dam seama ca trebuie sa cumparam CEVA! ACUM!) si e un amestec de neliniste si entuziasm care ma incanta.Stiu ca suntem mai multi in situatia asta asa ca am incercat sa alcatuiesc o lista de cadouri pentru surori, prietene sau orice alta persoana tanara de sex feminin pentru care trebuie cumparat un cadou...
1.Grey leather baseball cap (sapca de piele gri)
2.Navy sleeveless contrast feather dress (rochie cu pene)
3.Leopard print face jumper ( pulover imprimeu leopard)
4.Satin pijama (pijama de satin cu maneca lunga)
5.Charmed friendship bracelet (bratara impletita)
6.Glitter nailpolish (oja stralucitoare)
7.Eye sleeping mask (masca de dormit)
8.Nina Ricci fragrance (parfum Nina Ricci)
9.Jewellery hanging tree (copacel de agatat bijuterii)
10.Glitter ballet flats ( balerini stralucitori)
11.Holographic clutch (geanta plic holografica)
12.Chiffon bow barrette (agrafa de par fundita)
These are much appreciated as I still have far too much shopping left to do! Love that little dress ... maybe a gift for myself? :)
RăspundețiȘtergereSea and Swank
Nice ideas! The dress is my favourite item.
Love n 10!
RăspundețiȘtergerelovely gift ideas. Cat bag is the cutest ^^
genial post...me quedo con el 3 estampado animal
RăspundețiȘtergerelove this cap and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow you!
RăspundețiȘtergerePass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be so glad :D
really lovely blog!! can u also check mine and let me know your opinion about it?? we can also follow each other! let me know <3
RăspundețiȘtergerethank u and merry xmas
I love your choises <3 esspec perfume<3
RăspundețiȘtergerela laca de uñas dorada es lo mejor!
Number 2, 6, and 7 are sooooo cute!!! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereoh yeah
RăspundețiȘtergereThe pyjama and the sleeping mask are my favourite!