En: By far the most challenging and usually the most last minute when it comes to Christmas presents is my dad.I believe that, generally, it is harder to buy male gifts if you are a girl, but with my dad it's almost impossible.So I don't know if you have the same problem, but just in case you do, I put together a list of things I offered him throughout the years and he almost loved!
Ro: Chiar daca in general, cumparatul cadourilor pentru cei dragi e o sarcina usoara, exista o exceptie: tata.Pentru el e aproape imposibil sa gasesc ceva potrivit si e de obicei cadoul pe care il cumpar in ultimul moment, in timp ca ma rog fierbinte sa ii placa macar putin!Asa ca am incercat sa alcatuiesc o lista cu lucruri pe care i le-am cumparat de-a lungul anilor (sau pe care vreau sa i le cumpar pe viitor) si sper sa ii fie de folos cui mai e in situatia mea.
1.Hugo Boss bathrobe (halat de baie Hugo Boss)
2.Old Navy Men's striped sweater (pulover in dungi Old Navy)
3.Uniqlo wool cap (sapca de lana Uniqlo)
4.Logitech universal remote control (telecomanda universala Logitech)
5.JackJones west scarf (esarfa lana JackJones)
6.Silver glitter tie (cravata argintie metalica)
7.24 bottle wine rack (suport pentru 24 sticle de vin)
8.Silver plated black cuff links (butoni placati cu argint)
9.Hugo Boss cologne (parfum Hugo Boss)
10.Hugo Boss after shave balm (after shave balsam Hugo Boss)
11.Planet Earth DVD complete series (seria completa "Planeta Pamant" DVD)
12.Leather strap Casio watch (ceas Casio cu curea de piele)
luni, 24 decembrie 2012
joi, 20 decembrie 2012
X-mas gift ideas: sister/BFF
En: Since there are a few days left and I bet there's more than one late Christmas shopper, here's a few suggestions for (girl)friends or sisters or any young female you might have to find a gift for!
Ro: Nimic nu imi place mai mult decat zilele de dinaintea Craciunului, cand facem ultimele cumparaturi pentru cei dragi( a se citi: ne dam seama ca trebuie sa cumparam CEVA! ACUM!) si e un amestec de neliniste si entuziasm care ma incanta.Stiu ca suntem mai multi in situatia asta asa ca am incercat sa alcatuiesc o lista de cadouri pentru surori, prietene sau orice alta persoana tanara de sex feminin pentru care trebuie cumparat un cadou...
1.Grey leather baseball cap (sapca de piele gri)
2.Navy sleeveless contrast feather dress (rochie cu pene)
3.Leopard print face jumper ( pulover imprimeu leopard)
4.Satin pijama (pijama de satin cu maneca lunga)
5.Charmed friendship bracelet (bratara impletita)
6.Glitter nailpolish (oja stralucitoare)
7.Eye sleeping mask (masca de dormit)
8.Nina Ricci fragrance (parfum Nina Ricci)
9.Jewellery hanging tree (copacel de agatat bijuterii)
10.Glitter ballet flats ( balerini stralucitori)
11.Holographic clutch (geanta plic holografica)
12.Chiffon bow barrette (agrafa de par fundita)
Ro: Nimic nu imi place mai mult decat zilele de dinaintea Craciunului, cand facem ultimele cumparaturi pentru cei dragi( a se citi: ne dam seama ca trebuie sa cumparam CEVA! ACUM!) si e un amestec de neliniste si entuziasm care ma incanta.Stiu ca suntem mai multi in situatia asta asa ca am incercat sa alcatuiesc o lista de cadouri pentru surori, prietene sau orice alta persoana tanara de sex feminin pentru care trebuie cumparat un cadou...
1.Grey leather baseball cap (sapca de piele gri)
2.Navy sleeveless contrast feather dress (rochie cu pene)
3.Leopard print face jumper ( pulover imprimeu leopard)
4.Satin pijama (pijama de satin cu maneca lunga)
5.Charmed friendship bracelet (bratara impletita)
6.Glitter nailpolish (oja stralucitoare)
7.Eye sleeping mask (masca de dormit)
8.Nina Ricci fragrance (parfum Nina Ricci)
9.Jewellery hanging tree (copacel de agatat bijuterii)
10.Glitter ballet flats ( balerini stralucitori)
11.Holographic clutch (geanta plic holografica)
12.Chiffon bow barrette (agrafa de par fundita)
sâmbătă, 15 decembrie 2012
Snow walk
En: There's these two things I love about winter: the holidays and snowboarding.Okay, and maybe seeing the snowfall from inside my warm home or waking up to an all white scene without having to leave the house.This last part is extremely important, I love to look at winter, I just hate to live the cold!But today, the temperature was bearable and I was finally able to take my not-exactly as warm-as-i-expected-it coat for a walk in the park!And winter felt right!
Ro: Iarna nu este anotimpul meu preferat.Iubesc sarbatorile de iarna si sa ma dau cu snowboardul, asa ca o tolerez.Imi place si sa vad prima ninsoare(sau a mia) si sa ma trezesc in fata unui peisaj cu totul alb daca il vad din interiorul apartamentului meu calduros.Este esential sa-l vad dinauntru pentru ca pe cat ador sa ma uit la iarna, pe atat urasc sa-i simt frigul!Dar azi, temperatura a fost suportabila si am reusit sa imi iau paltonul nou(care e mai primavaratic decat m-as fi asteptat cand l-am comandat) la o plimbare.Imi place la nebunie cum arata cu colantii mei de super-erou(asa i-au botezat colegii de facultate)!
I was wearing: coat - Asso; leggings - American Apparel; boots - Decathlon riding boots; sweater - vintage; hat - Kenvelo mens; bag - Mango.
Tinuta alcatuita din: palton - Asos; pulover - SH; colanti - American Apparel; cizme de calarie - Decathlon; caciula - Kenvelo(baieti); geanta - Mango.
Ro: Iarna nu este anotimpul meu preferat.Iubesc sarbatorile de iarna si sa ma dau cu snowboardul, asa ca o tolerez.Imi place si sa vad prima ninsoare(sau a mia) si sa ma trezesc in fata unui peisaj cu totul alb daca il vad din interiorul apartamentului meu calduros.Este esential sa-l vad dinauntru pentru ca pe cat ador sa ma uit la iarna, pe atat urasc sa-i simt frigul!Dar azi, temperatura a fost suportabila si am reusit sa imi iau paltonul nou(care e mai primavaratic decat m-as fi asteptat cand l-am comandat) la o plimbare.Imi place la nebunie cum arata cu colantii mei de super-erou(asa i-au botezat colegii de facultate)!
I was wearing: coat - Asso; leggings - American Apparel; boots - Decathlon riding boots; sweater - vintage; hat - Kenvelo mens; bag - Mango.
Tinuta alcatuita din: palton - Asos; pulover - SH; colanti - American Apparel; cizme de calarie - Decathlon; caciula - Kenvelo(baieti); geanta - Mango.
Amercan Apparel,
black coat,
daily wear,
outfit post,
outfit suggestion for cold weather,
riding boots,
winter outfit inspiration
miercuri, 12 decembrie 2012
X-mas gift ideas: brother/boyfriend
En: Buying presents for my boyfriend or my brother(especially the bf) is another favorite part of the winter holidays since I know a lot of things he wants(I always have a list inside my head with all the things he mentioned).So, all I need to do is check items on his wishlist!I'm starting to believe that the key to buying great presents is communication.Getting to know someone's taste and wishes makes for the best gift buying!
Ro: Imi place si imi vine destul de usor sa ii cumpar cadouri iubitului( si fratelui meu mai mic, dar el e usor de multumit cu vreun joc pentru wii si o punga de Haribo deci nu e o reala provocare).Cred ca asta provine din faptul ca ciulesc urechile de cate ori spune ca si-ar dori ceva si apoi incerc sa ii daruiesc exact ce mi-a spus el ca vrea( nestiind cat sunt de atenta si cum voi folosi informatia).Tind sa cred ca cheia pentru cadoul potrivit e comunicarea.Daca ajungi sa cunosti persoana de langa tine, sa ii stii gusturile si dorintele, nu ai cum sa dai gres!
1.Obey throwback cap( sapca Obey )
2.Vintage canvas explorer shoulder bag( geanta de umar )
3.Volcom thermal( pulover Volcom )
4.New Look jumper( pulover alb si negru New Look )
5.Smith fuse goggles( ochelari pentru ski )
6.Burton superhero snowboard( placa de snowboard Burton )
7.Ralph Lauren tartan wallet( portmoneu din piele Ralph Lauren )
8.Ugg slippers( papuci de casa Ugg )
9.Amara set of two wine glasses( set de 2 pahare pentru vin )
10.Anderson's woven belt( curea impletita maro )
11.Columbia black gloves( manusi negre Columbia )
Ro: Imi place si imi vine destul de usor sa ii cumpar cadouri iubitului( si fratelui meu mai mic, dar el e usor de multumit cu vreun joc pentru wii si o punga de Haribo deci nu e o reala provocare).Cred ca asta provine din faptul ca ciulesc urechile de cate ori spune ca si-ar dori ceva si apoi incerc sa ii daruiesc exact ce mi-a spus el ca vrea( nestiind cat sunt de atenta si cum voi folosi informatia).Tind sa cred ca cheia pentru cadoul potrivit e comunicarea.Daca ajungi sa cunosti persoana de langa tine, sa ii stii gusturile si dorintele, nu ai cum sa dai gres!
1.Obey throwback cap( sapca Obey )
2.Vintage canvas explorer shoulder bag( geanta de umar )
3.Volcom thermal( pulover Volcom )
4.New Look jumper( pulover alb si negru New Look )
5.Smith fuse goggles( ochelari pentru ski )
6.Burton superhero snowboard( placa de snowboard Burton )
7.Ralph Lauren tartan wallet( portmoneu din piele Ralph Lauren )
8.Ugg slippers( papuci de casa Ugg )
9.Amara set of two wine glasses( set de 2 pahare pentru vin )
10.Anderson's woven belt( curea impletita maro )
11.Columbia black gloves( manusi negre Columbia )
luni, 10 decembrie 2012
X-mas gift ideas: mom
En: I don't know about you, but for me, buying gifts for my mom is the easiest of all.It may be because we know each other so well or because she is not shy when it comes to communicating what she likes, but my head is always full with present ideas for her.So I figured it would be appropriate to start this Christmas gift ideas series with mothers.I know this kind of posts are all over the blogging world, but seriously, can you ever get too many present suggestions?
Ro: Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu cand ma gandesc la cadouri de Craciun, capul mi-e plin cu idei de daruri pentru mama.Poate pentru ca suntem apropiate sau poate pentru ca spune clar ce ii place si ce nu sau poate e doar o chestie feminina(femeile au intotdeauna idei de cadouri pentru alte femei).Oricare ar fi motivul, m-am hotarat sa incep seria de idei de cadouri de Craciun cu mamele!Si da, stiu ca pe multe bloguri circula postari asemanatoare, dar poti sa primesti vreodata prea multe sugestii cand vine vorba de asa ceva?
1.Nordstom wool hat - palarie de lana
2.New Look Peter Pan collar top - top cu aplicatii pe guler
3.Chicnova sequin embellished jumper - pulover cu paiete
4.Boticca Swarovski crystal earrings - cercei cu cristale Swarovski
5.Debenhams purple ski jacket - jacheta de ski violet
6.Dorothy Perkins black ski puffa - jacheta de ski neagra
7.Rimmel burgundy lipstick - ruj visiniu
8.Nelly nude nailpolish - oja nude
9.Red messenger shoulder bag - geanta de umar rosie
10.Bourbon and vanilla candle - lumanare parfumata cu aroma de vanilie
11.Dinner cloth napkins - servetele pentru masa
12.Antique table mirror - oglinda cu picior
Ro: Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu cand ma gandesc la cadouri de Craciun, capul mi-e plin cu idei de daruri pentru mama.Poate pentru ca suntem apropiate sau poate pentru ca spune clar ce ii place si ce nu sau poate e doar o chestie feminina(femeile au intotdeauna idei de cadouri pentru alte femei).Oricare ar fi motivul, m-am hotarat sa incep seria de idei de cadouri de Craciun cu mamele!Si da, stiu ca pe multe bloguri circula postari asemanatoare, dar poti sa primesti vreodata prea multe sugestii cand vine vorba de asa ceva?
1.Nordstom wool hat - palarie de lana
2.New Look Peter Pan collar top - top cu aplicatii pe guler
3.Chicnova sequin embellished jumper - pulover cu paiete
4.Boticca Swarovski crystal earrings - cercei cu cristale Swarovski
5.Debenhams purple ski jacket - jacheta de ski violet
6.Dorothy Perkins black ski puffa - jacheta de ski neagra
7.Rimmel burgundy lipstick - ruj visiniu
8.Nelly nude nailpolish - oja nude
9.Red messenger shoulder bag - geanta de umar rosie
10.Bourbon and vanilla candle - lumanare parfumata cu aroma de vanilie
11.Dinner cloth napkins - servetele pentru masa
12.Antique table mirror - oglinda cu picior
Christams gift ideas,
Dorothy Perkins,
Gift ideas list for mom,
mother gift list,
Sally Hansen,
X-mas present ideas,
miercuri, 5 decembrie 2012
Wannabe Wednesday: Esther Adams
En: It's time for this week's It girl and this time it's in the person of Esther Adams, fashion writer for Vogue and self-proclaimed supporter of young designers.This girl is the ultimate urban ballerina, mixing feminine pieces with edgier accesories and rocking the bangs!
Ro: A venit si vremea pentru inspiratia acestei saptamani, in persoana lui Esther Adams, care isi poarta tinutele ultra chic la biroul Vogue.I se potriveste perfect termenul de balerina urbana si aproape ma face sa vreau din nou si eu breton!
I love it that she believes that as long as the quality of the material is good, you can find great pieces for less.Therefore, here she is in a H&M top and 18-th Amendment jeans, worn with a Zara blazer and Dooney and Bourke satchel.As for jewellery, her wedding ring is the Dior "oui" and she paired it with an Aurelie Bidermann and is wearing her Valextra ipad case for a pop of color:
Her lovely Club Monaco skirt has a girly frill, so she decided to pair it with simpler basics, such as this Helmut Lang tee, a Surface to Air clutch and Preen for Topshop heels worn with norwegian With&Wessel socks.Her Philip Crangi nail cuff is to die for!
Black and white never go out of style, especially if it means wearing a white Club Monaco dress with black Theyskens' Theory wedges, an Alexander Wang leather vest and a black suede Pucci bag:
Here, wearing an Edun white shirtdress with graphic neoprene Balenciaga sandals and a Mini Miss Wu satchel:
Her beauty is enhanced by this beautiful silk Organic by John Patrick slip dress, paired with a Jaeger sweater and Alexander Wang boots:
Ro: A venit si vremea pentru inspiratia acestei saptamani, in persoana lui Esther Adams, care isi poarta tinutele ultra chic la biroul Vogue.I se potriveste perfect termenul de balerina urbana si aproape ma face sa vreau din nou si eu breton!
I love it that she believes that as long as the quality of the material is good, you can find great pieces for less.Therefore, here she is in a H&M top and 18-th Amendment jeans, worn with a Zara blazer and Dooney and Bourke satchel.As for jewellery, her wedding ring is the Dior "oui" and she paired it with an Aurelie Bidermann and is wearing her Valextra ipad case for a pop of color:
Here, wearing an Edun white shirtdress with graphic neoprene Balenciaga sandals and a Mini Miss Wu satchel:

18th Amendment,
Alexander Wang,
Aurelie Bidermann,
Club Monaco,
Esther Adams,
Jason Wu,
Philip Crangi,
Theyskens' Theory,
Vogue girl,
Vogue style inspiration
sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2012
Grey simplicity
En: I'm finally back to blogging after a week's absence and it seemed much longer(like forever), I can't believe how used I've got to this!The stress of exams kept me away from my beloved computer but now all is well and I'm back to doing what I want!
And what I want for today, is to share a photo of how I'd like to dress these days(while the temperatures still allow it)!I am not mastering minimalism as well as I'd like but I sure love it in others so my goal for the upcoming months is to create my own efortlessly cool outfits, like this lovely lady that looks stunning in a simple gray knit dress...
Ro: Absenta mea indelungata(o saptamana care a parut o vesnicie)a luat sfarsit!Nu pot sa cred cat de mult mi-a lipsit blogul saptamana care a trecut, dar stresul examenelor m-a tinut departe!Acum ca toate s-au terminat cu bine si sunt cu un pas mai aproape de a fi doctor :D, sunt incantata sa ma intorc la ce vreau sa fac.Si ce vreau acum e sa v-o arat pe aceasta domnisoara, care ma face sa imi cumpar un dulap de rochii gri si sa le port cu jachete de piele.O tinuta atat de simpla si totusi atat de placuta privirii, e exact ce imi doresc sa obtin in viitor!
Image credit to Stockholmstreetstyle.com
Ro: Absenta mea indelungata(o saptamana care a parut o vesnicie)a luat sfarsit!Nu pot sa cred cat de mult mi-a lipsit blogul saptamana care a trecut, dar stresul examenelor m-a tinut departe!Acum ca toate s-au terminat cu bine si sunt cu un pas mai aproape de a fi doctor :D, sunt incantata sa ma intorc la ce vreau sa fac.Si ce vreau acum e sa v-o arat pe aceasta domnisoara, care ma face sa imi cumpar un dulap de rochii gri si sa le port cu jachete de piele.O tinuta atat de simpla si totusi atat de placuta privirii, e exact ce imi doresc sa obtin in viitor!
Image credit to Stockholmstreetstyle.com
luni, 19 noiembrie 2012
Home interior: decorating walls
En: I already mentioned me preparing to move out, so my interest for home decorating has reached its maximum level.Not that I need an excuse to stare at beautiful homes, but at the moment I look at it with even more interest.I have reached the wall decorating phase and here's some ideas I'm thinking about!
Ro: Intotdeauna mi-a placut sa privesc la interioare frumoase si acum, cu mutarea care se apropie( si pe care o astept cu nerabdare), sunt si mai interesata de tot ce insemana design interior.Pentru etapa de "Ce atarnam pe pereti?" am adunat cateva idei din imaginile care urmeaza si urmeaza sa le pun in practica cat de curand!
Ro: Intotdeauna mi-a placut sa privesc la interioare frumoase si acum, cu mutarea care se apropie( si pe care o astept cu nerabdare), sunt si mai interesata de tot ce insemana design interior.Pentru etapa de "Ce atarnam pe pereti?" am adunat cateva idei din imaginile care urmeaza si urmeaza sa le pun in practica cat de curand!
miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2012
Wannabe Wednesday: Claiborne Swanson Frank
It's been a while since I shared a Vogue girl's outfit here, so I thought it was about time to marvel together at the impecable style of Claiborne Swanson Frank, Vogue collaborator and perfect style inspiration for me.
She looks extermely chic in a vintage YSL blaser, J.Crew t-shirt, JBrand jeans and Rag&Bone boots with old family inherited accesories:
It's easier to bare the cold in a Veronica Beard jacket, JBrand jeans and Prada boots paired with Warby Parker sunglasses and an old Loius Vuitton bag:
When hanging out at home, she's wearing a Michael Kors sweater, JBrand bell-bottoms and Chloe boots.A Holst+Lee necklace elevates the entire look.
At a gallery, she shines in a Celine trench, 7 for All Mankind jeans and Prada boots worn with a Chloe bag and a vintage gold wedding cuff as accesories:
As a hat lover, she's not afraid of this stunning custom made fur hat, paired with a Celine coat, J.Crew sweater and Prada boots:
She looks extermely chic in a vintage YSL blaser, J.Crew t-shirt, JBrand jeans and Rag&Bone boots with old family inherited accesories:
It's easier to bare the cold in a Veronica Beard jacket, JBrand jeans and Prada boots paired with Warby Parker sunglasses and an old Loius Vuitton bag:
When hanging out at home, she's wearing a Michael Kors sweater, JBrand bell-bottoms and Chloe boots.A Holst+Lee necklace elevates the entire look.
At a gallery, she shines in a Celine trench, 7 for All Mankind jeans and Prada boots worn with a Chloe bag and a vintage gold wedding cuff as accesories:
As a hat lover, she's not afraid of this stunning custom made fur hat, paired with a Celine coat, J.Crew sweater and Prada boots:
Claiborne Swanson Frank,
Loius Vuitton,
outfit inspiration,
Vogue girl outfits,
Warby Parker,
weekly outfit suggestion
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