marți, 29 aprilie 2014

Prague: Part 1


En: There's so much I'd like to tell you about our Prague trip and not enough words I seem to find at the moment. Walking the narrow streets of the Old Town, I experienced some of the medieval magic of the city and could think of nothing but how it would have been to live back then. If only it wasn't crammed with tourists everywhere (I guess you can tell how many there were by the photos)! Well, it still didn't take any of the beauty away from it and it was a great experience: the architecture, the amazing food and the vibrant streets definitely make it a place worth visiting!

Ro: Sunt multe lucruri de spus despre Praga si parca prea putine cuvinte. Pe strazile inguste ale Orasului Vechi, m-am simtit ca si cum as fi calatorit in timp, inapoi in Epoca Medievala. Doar multitudinea de turisti de toate nationalitatile (in fotografii se vad mereu valuri si valuri de oameni venind in fundal) imi reamintea ca traim in era avioanelor si a masinilor cu multi cai putere care te duc oriunde ai visa. De la o arhitectura impresionanta, intr-o mare diversitate de stiluri la mancare extrem de gustoasa si la zumzetul neobosit al strazilor, Praga are multe de oferit si noi am gustat cate putin din toate, dar mai multe o sa va povestesc in urmatorul articol!

I was wearing: top - COS, get it HERE; jeans - Zara, get them HERE; sneakers - Pull&Bear; sunglasses - Asos, similar HERE.
Am purtat: top - COS, il gasiti AICI; jeansi - Zara, ii gasiti AICI; tenisi - Pull&Bear; ochelari de soare - Asos, asemanatori AICI.

vineri, 18 aprilie 2014

A Blazer and a Hoodie


En: So exams are finally done (it was about time!) and at the moment I'm struggling with packing since a lot of travelling is involved over the next week. If I'll be absent on the blog, I promise to compensate with an overflow of pictures after I'm back. I wish all of you guys a very, ver Happy Easter!

Ro: S-au terminat in sfarsit si examenele mele, dar am dat de un alt fel de dificultati. Cum sa-mi fac bagajele pentru urmatoarea saptamana? Va spun doar ca include un drum la tara, la bunici, multe vizite pe la cunostiinte si apoi o excursie la Praga si un concert Robbie Williams. In timp ce scriu asta, sunt inconjurata de munti de haine imprastiate pe covor, pierdute printre genti, pantofi si accesorii. Asa ca ar trebui sa ma intorc la planificat tinute si impachetat, dar nu inainte sa va urez un Paste Minunat!


I was wearing: blazer - Mango, get it HERE ; hoodie- H&M Men; t-shirt - Nike; pants - Massimo Dutti, bought HERE; shoes - Aldo.
 Am purtat: blazer - Mango, il gasiti AICI; hanorac - H&M Men; tricou - Nike; pantaloni - Massimo Dutti, cumparati de AICI; pantofi - Aldo.

duminică, 13 aprilie 2014


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En: Yesterday we finally managed to take some new photos (my new witch/gipsy hat deserved a feature) and I chose a rather bohemian outfit for the day. Now I'm back to studying (5 more days of torture), I hope you have an amazing Sunday!

Ro: Ieri am iesit putin la plimabare si am reusit (in sfarsit!) sa facem cateva poze cu palaria mea cea noua. Iubitul meu spune ca arat a vrajitoare cu ea (mai ales daca imi inchid trenciul negru), dar mie mi se pare mai degraba ca are un aer boem si de aceea am ales sa o port cu o ie si o fusta lejera. Acum ma intorc la invatat (inca 5 zile grele...), va doresc o Duminica minunata!

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I was wearing: trench coat - Zara Basic; shirt - vintage; skirt - Pull&Bear; booties - Office; hat - H&M.
Am purtat: trenci - Zara; ie- vintage; fusta - Pull&Bear; botine - Office; palarie - H&M.

marți, 8 aprilie 2014

Interiors: Remodel Your Balcony


En: I'm swamped with school work at the moment, but with spring slowly making an appearance, all I want to do is spend as much time in the sun as possible. And lucky me, I have two balconies at my place to help with that. What's unfortunate is that they do not look like places where I'd want to drink my coffee or relax serving a cup of tea. At least not yet. But Pinterest has come to my recue with some easy ideas, which include beautiful plants, heavy rugs and colorful pillows and I liked them so much I thought I'd share. Happy redecorating everyone!

Ro: Momentan programul meu include mult invatat si prea putin timp pentru altceva. Dar cum primavara isi face simtita prezenta, tot ce imi doresc e sa ma bucur de razele soarelui cat mai mult. Si, din fericire, apartamentul meu are doua balcoane destul de incapatoare unde as putea sa imi iau doza zilnica de vitamina D. Ceea ce nu e prea imbucurator, e faptul ca le-am neglijat pana acum si le-am transformat intr-un fel de debara, iar printre placi de snowboard, biciclete si mingi de fotbal, parca nu imi vine sa ma relaxez la o ceasca de ceai. Dar sa nu uitam ca exista Pinterest, care abunda de inspiratie cand vine vorba de idei pentru redecorare. Mie imi pac atat de mult aceste fotografii incat abia astept sa cumpar plante, covorase si perne colorate pentru balconul nostru. Sper sa va inspire si pe voi sa va faceti primavara mai frumoasa cu o terasa frumos amenajata!


sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2014

April Wishlist


En: Whenever I'm stuck at home studying for exams, my mind takes refuge in making wishlists and DIYs. Well, mostly making wishlists and then looking for those items online. And this month the mentioned list includes a harness skirt, a new trench coat and a pair of Valentino inspired flats. The online shop came to my rescue with all of these at extremely affordable prices, you can check it out yourselves with the links below!

Ro: Nu stiu cum se face, dar ori de cate ori se apropie examenele si stau acasa invatand, mintea mea incepe sa hoinareasca pe taramul modei mai mult ca oricand. E perioada cand fac fel de fel de liste virtuale de cumparaturi, incerc sa imi reorganizez garderoba, ma gandesc la noi proiecte DIY (am si gasit unul extrem de simplu si dragut). Ce se gaseste pe lista mea virtuala de cumparaturi? Printre altele, o fusta neobisnuita cu curele, un trenci bej si o pereche de balerini inspirati de celebrii Valentino. Unde le-am gasit pe toate? Pe la un pret extrem de accesibil. Gasiti linkurile mai jos!

1.Graffiti Letters T-shirt
2.Irregular Chiffon Coat
3.Zipper Slim Leather Jacket
4.Chiffon Pleated Skort
5.Pink Ankle Strap Flats
6.Crochet Lace Embroided Skort
7.Cool Straps Harness Skirt

Also, I think it's great to know that PersunMall now offers NEW customers 15% DISCOUNT off on all orders!!!
What's more, if a new customer likes their official Facebook Page first (HERE) , he/she can get 20% off on the first order and get 10% off on all orders afterwards forever!

Women's Fashion Store Online, Buy Now!

marți, 1 aprilie 2014

Double Denim


En: Is it a surprise I'm wearing denim again? I bet if you've been reading my blog lately, it's definitely not. I go through these phases when I over-wear a certain item/trend until I get completely tired of it. And lately, I've been all about comfort and trying to cope with my hectic life while looking presentable. Hopefully I can pull it off for a few more months, 3 to be exact, when I'llfinally be done with university!

Ro: E o surpriza pentru cineva ca m-am imbracat iar in denim? Daca mi-ati vizitat blogul in ultima vreme (a se citi chiar postarea precedenta), nu e greu de observat ca trec printr-o "faza". Nu neaparat una in care port doar jeansi, dar una in care me preocupa sa fiu imbracat cat mai confortabil. Si daca reusesc sa fiu si prezentabila, ma declar incantata. Din moment ce ultimele 3 luni de facultate sunt atat de pline de evenimente/planuri/emotii si invatat incat ma simt usor coplesita, o sa mizez pe simplitate, merge intotdeauna!


I was wearing: jacket - Urban Classics bought on; denim shirt - Massimo Dutti; shorts- Tommy Hilfiger; boots - Asos; belt - vintage.
Tinuta alcatuita din: jacheta - Urban Classics cumparata de pe; camasa - Massimo Dutti; shorts - Tommy Hilfiger; ghete - Asos; curea - vintage.