En: Unlike other times, this year I was not trying to keep up with Fashion Week from home, but I've let images and inspiration accumulate and only browsed through it a few days ago. The overdose lead to a an enormous pile of ideas for a wardrobe rejuvenation, such as: 1, buy a red sweater (and wear it with white); 2. find a scarf to wear with a maxi dress; 3. pair a black suit with Converse sneakers; 4. mix plaid and stripes, etc. So, in order for me not to forget about these amazing ideas, I created this post with my favorite streetstyle photos and I do hope they speak to you, like they spoke to me!
Ro: Spre deosebire de alti ani, anum acesta n-am mai incercat sa tin pasul cu Saptamana Modei de acasa, ci am lasat fotografiile sa se adune. Acum cateva zile am dat iama prin ele si supradoza de inspiratia m-a determinat sa alcatuiesc o mica postare cu tinutele mele preferate (pe care mi-as dori sa le recreez intr-un fel sau altul cu piese din propria-mi garderoba). Printre ideile sclipitoare se numara: 1. sa cumpar un pulover rosu (musai purtat cu alb); 2. sa gasesc o esarfa potrivita pentru rochia mea maxi; 3. sa imi port costumul negru cu Conversi; 4. sa amestec dungi cu impriemul tartan...si multe, multe altele pe care sper sa le tin minte.Si mai sper sa va gasiti si voi inspiratia in imaginile astea!

nice pics|!!
RăspundețiȘtergerenew post
Love some of the looks :)
These looks are awesome. The fourth outfit is my favorite. That lace dress is adorable.
Giveaway on http://myurbanmarket.blogspot.it
amazing looks ! some of them even spoke to me :)
I love this post!! Your blog is truly great!