sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2013

Wish I Was Wearing: Rock and Lace


En: Still struggling with exams.But if I could, this is what I'd love to wear today.Have a great weekend!

Ro: Inca ma lupt cu examenele (extrem de multe si grele sesiunea asta).Dar mi-ar placea sa ma imbrac asa azi (daca as avea un scop pentru care sa las cartile si sa ies din casa).Va doresc un weekend minunat!

marți, 18 iunie 2013

Sun Garden


En: I can't believe I managed to recovere these pics after almost crying at the thought of their loss.They magically reappeared on the SD card and I'm happy I'm able to share them with you.They were taken during the weekend (when I finally took a break from studying) and I took a walk with a dear friend and my dearest boyfriend at this amazing place called Sun Garden.These photos don't do it justice, it was stunning to walk around it.

Ro: Acestea sunt pozele pierdute si reaparute miraculos.Am fost aproape de a varsa cateva lacrimi cand am vazut cardul gol, dar s-a petrecut o neasteptata minune (pentru ca sunt prea frumoase ca sa se piarda) si le-am recuperat.Am avut un weekend perfect, cu o foarte draga prietena venita de departe si multe pauze de la invatat (si timp de fotografii).Dar acum ca m-am intors la ale mele (sesiune!!!), nu stiu cand se va ivi urmatoare ocazie de poze.Acestea, facute la Sun Garden in Cluj, sunt tare frumusele si eu una o sa ma delectez cu ele o vreme:


And I have to introduce my love(ly) photographer that was extremely photogenic that day.
Iubitul meu (care sta in spatele obiectivului de obicei) a fost tare fotogenic si trebuia sa apara pe blog:


I was wearing: shirt - Forever 21; pants - New Yorker; sandals - Red Lips; hat - H&M; bag - Mango; sunglasses - Ray Ban.
Am purtat: camasa - Forver 21; pantaloni - New Yorker; sandale - Red Lips; geanta - Mango; ochelari de soare - Ray Ban.

sâmbătă, 15 iunie 2013

Home Interior: The Power of Green


En: So due to exams coming up soon, I had no time for outfit pictures.But of course I made time to stare at beautiful pictures of fabulous homes.And tough I wouldn't have believed this a few years ago, I'm ready to add more green to my place.I remember how plants wouldn't survive living with me a while ago, but now I have a few smll ones that seem pretty happy so I guess it's time for some more green!

Ro: Din cauza sesiunii si a multelor examene care urmeaza, nu am avut timp pentru poze noi.Dar bineinteles ca mi-am facut timp sa caut lucruri frumoase pe pinterest si am dat peste cateva apartamente pline de plante care mi-au luat ochii.Si cum acum am deja vreo 3 plante mici (care au supravietuit peste 6 luni la mine), cred ca e timpul si pentru mai mult verde!

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sâmbătă, 8 iunie 2013

The low bun


En: I had this outfit in mind for a while and I was dying to upload some personal pictures here on the blog.But the 2 week rain wouldn't allow it (it just killed my spirit and I've been dragging myself around all this time).Now finally, a bit of sun came out, so I took my Theyskens' Theory inspired blazer for a walk (I think it was two years ago that they made this cut out back blazer that haunted me, so I had my tailor make one for me).Also, hair-wise, I'm kind of starting to transition for the high bun to the low chignon and I think there is some elegancy to it.Change is always good!

Ro: Azi a fost un pic mai mult soare.Si nu a plouat.Inca.Asa ca a trebuit sa profit de moment si sa mai incarc si eu niste poze noi.Cu mine.Aveam de mult in minte tinuta din fotografii si asta pentru ca nu e usor sa gasesc ceva care sa mearga cu sacoul meu cu o imensa taietura in spate (inspirat de Theyskens' Theory in urma cu vreo 2 ani), dar camasuta asta e parca facuta pentru el.La capitolul par, fiindca nu ma lasa cativa oameni dragi sa ma tund, incerc stiluri noi.Si parca trebuia sa schimb cocul din varful capului cu ceva mai elegant...macar astazi.


I was wearing: blazer - custom made Stradivarius; shirt - Bershka; leather leggings - H&M; shoes - Zara; bag - DKNY.
Azi am purtat: sacou - Stradivarius + croitoreasa; camasa - Bershka; colanti piele - H&M; pantofi - Zara; geanta - DKNY.