duminică, 14 aprilie 2013

In a wrap


En: I can't believe all of a sudden I've gone from thick coats to some sort of blanket cardigan and I was even a little hot in it.It's a little crazy but I'm not complaining, I'm happy to finally be able to walk around in this thing I bought in a thrift store for 1 dollar.And to be able to pair with shoes with no socks is another plus.Remember this post?All those have been waiting since the sales in December so imagine the joy...

Ro: Mi se pare putin incredibil cum am trecut de la paltoane groase la patura asta in care m-am invelit (cumparata dintr-un second pentru 3 ron!) si mi-a mai fost si cald...cred ca puteam sa ma plimb in camasuta asta subtire fara probleme.Nu ma plang, doar ma mir!Iar faptul ca pot in sfarsit sa imi port pantofii cumparati la reduceri, e un alt motiv de incantare.Mai am vreo 5 perechi care asteapta sa iasa la plimbare din Decembrie.


I was wearing: cardigan - vintage; shirt - Forever XXI; pants - Calvin Klein; shoes - Zara; bag - Mango; sunnies - Ray Ban.

Tinuta alcatuita din: cardigan - vintage; camasa - Forever XXI; pantaloni - Calvin Klein; pantofi - Zara; geanta - Mango; ochelari de soare - Ray Ban.

luni, 1 aprilie 2013

1,2 test


En: So this was supposed to be a full outfit post, but due to the new camera situation (we finally purchased a serious DSLR and we're just figuring it out), it ended up as a home photo shoot of mostly my face and a little sneak peek of my outfit.Well, you can see most of it, except for the red ankle strap heels I had on (use your imagination for that) and better outfit posts are coming soon.

Ro: Ne-am luat in sfarsit aparatul foto mult dorit.Si in loc sa va dau pe spate cu niste poze dementiale, am cateva imagini cu mine prin casa si cu jumate de tinuta.Aveam niste tocuri rosii, trebuie sa va folositi imaginatia pentru ele fiindca nu se regasesc printre pozele astea.Pana ii dam noi de capat la noul aparat, va las cu ce am reusit sa pozam ieri:


I was wearing: blazer - Zara; t-shirt - Zara; leather shorts - vintage; belt - vintage D&G; earrings - Meli Melo.
Tinuta alcatuita din: sacou - Zara; tricou - Zara; pantaloni scurti din piele - vintage; curea - vintage D&G; cercei - Meli Melo.